Inside journalism/

Niblock, Sarah

Inside journalism/ Sarah Niblock - Londin : Routledge, 1996. - ix, 222 p.

1 Introduction
What is journalism?
Media unlimited
What makes a good story?
The changing working environment
The journalist's job
2 Newspapers
The shape of the newspaper industry
National newspapers
Regional and local newspapers
Tabloids and broadsheets
The structure of a newspaper
Newspaper pictures
New and future developments in newspaper journalism
3 Magazines
The shape of the magazine industry
Consumer magazines
Business and professional magazines
Other types of magazines
What is the difference between writing for a
mageizine and a newspaper?
The structure of a magazine's editorial department
Magazine journalism: job descriptions
New and future developments in magazine journalism
4 Print journalism: training and entry routes
Newspaper training and entry routes
Applying direct
Transferring from other print media jobs
Company training schemes
Assessment and examinations
Press photography: training and entry routes
Magazine journalism: training and entry routes
Pre-entry courses
Company training schemes
5 Radio
The shape of the radio industry
BBC National Radio
Commercial radio: national service
How radio journalists treat stories
The structure of the radio newsroom
Radio journalism: job descriptions
New and future developments in radio journalism
6 Television
The shape of the television industry
Television reporting
The structure of the television newsroom
Television journalism: job descriptions
New and future developments in television journalism
7 Broadcast journalism: training and entry routes
Full-time pre-entry course
Via print journalism
Transfer from other broadcasting jobs
Broadcast joumaUsm; training schemes
8 Agencies, freelancing and public relations
News agencies
The agency newsroom
News agencies: training and entry routes
Freelance journalism
Public relations
Role of PR
Public relations: training and entry routes
9 The mechanics of getting a media job
Before you even consider applying ...
Work placements
Other useful skills
Where to look
Your application
Covering letter
Curriculum vitae
Follow-up calls
Interviews for journalism jobs
Follow-up letter

978157130225 (pb)

070.4 / NIB/I
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