The Oxford handbook of cognitive neuroscience /

The Oxford handbook of cognitive neuroscience / Handbook of cognitive neuroscience edited by Kevin N. Ochsner, Stephen M. Kosslyn. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. - 2 volumes (xvi, 496 pages) pages : 27 cm

Volume 1. Core topics -- Volume 2. The cutting edges.

1. Introduction to The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Neuroscience-.
Cognitive Neuroscience--Where Are We Now? 1
Kevin N. Ochsner and Stephen M. Kosslyn

Part One • Perception
2. Representation of Objects 11
Kalanit Grill-Spector
3. Representation of Spatial Relations 28
Bruno laeng
4. Top Down Effects in Visual Perception 60
Moshe Bar and Andreja Bttbic
5. Neural Underpinning of Object Mental Imagery, Spatial Imagery, and Motor Imagery 74
Gregoire Borst
6. Looking at che Nose Through Human Behavior, and at Human Behavior Through che Nose 88
Roni Kahana and Noam Sobel
7. Cognitive Neuroscience of Music 111
8. Audition 135
josh H. McDermott
9. Neural Correlates of the Development of Speech Perception and Comprehension 171
Angela D. Friederici and Cla1'dia Miinnel
10. Perceptual Disorders 193
josef Zihl

Part Two • Attention
1 1. Varieties of Auditory Attention 215
Claude Alain. Stephen R.Amott, and Benjamin ]. Dyson
12. Spatial Attention 237
Jeffrey Nicol
13. Attencion and Action 255
George A. Alvarez
14. Visual Control of Action 273
Melvyn A. Goodale

15. Development of Attention 296
M. Rosario Rueda
16. Attentional Disorders 319 . . . Laure Pisella,Annabelle B/anio:•ero, Caroline Tilikete, Damien B1o•tt1, Gilles Rode, Alain Vighetto, Jason B. Mattingley. and Yves Rossetti

Part Three • Memory
17. Semantic Memory 353
Eiling Yee, Evangelia G. Chrysikou, and Sharon L. Thompson-Schill
18. Cognitive Neuroscience of Episodic Memory 375
Lila Davachi and Jared Danker
19. Working Memory 389
Bratiley R. Buchsbaum and Mark D'Esposito
20. Motor Skill Learning 416
Rachael D. Seidler, Bryan l. Benson, Nathaniel B. Boyden,
and Youngbin Kwak
21. Memory Consolidation 436
j ohn T. Wixted and Denise ]. Cai
22. Age-Related Decline in Working Memory and Episodic Memory: Contributions of the Prefrontal Cortex and Medial Temporal Lobes 456
Sander Daselaar and Roberto Cabez,a
23. Memory Disorders 473
Barbara A. Wilson and Jessica Fish

Part Four • Language
24. Cognitive Neuroscience of Written Language: Neural Substrates
of Reading and Writing 491
Kyrana Tsapkini and Argye E. Hillis
25. Neural Systems Underlying Speech Perception 507
Sheila E. Blumstein and Emily B. Myers
26. Multimodal Speech Perception 524
Agnes Alsius, Ewen MacDona/J, and Kevin Munhall
27. Organization of Conceptual Knowledge of Objects in the Human Brain 554
Bradford Z. Mahon and Alfonso
28. A Parallel Architecture Model of Language Processing 578
Ray ]ackendoff

Part Five • Conclusion
29. Epilogue co 1he Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Neuroscience. Cognitive Neuroscience-Where Are We Going? 599 Kevin N. Ochsner and Stephen M. Kosslyn


Cognitive neuroscience

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