Learn library cataloguing/

Dhiman, Anil K.

Learn library cataloguing/ Anil K. Dhiman and Yashoda Rani - New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications, 2005. - 349 p.

1. Library Catalogue : Its Need and Purpose
Library Catalogue, Meaning, Need and Functions;
Library Catalogue, Bibliography and Publisher
Catalogue; Cataloguing and Classification; Library
Catalogue and Five Laws of Library Science; Shelf
List; Evolution of Library Catalogues.
2. Forms of Library Catalogues
External Forms of Library Catalogues
Conventional and Non-conventional Forms
Internal Forms of Library Catalogues
Alphabetical, Classified and Alphabetical - classed
3. Normative Principles
Canons of Cataloguing.
4. Kinds of Entries
Kinds of Entries in Classified Catalogue; Kinds
of Entries in Dictionary Catalogue and AACR.
5. Structure of Names
Indian Names; Western Names and Muslim
6. Comparative Study of AACR and CCC
Personal Author, Corporate Author; Anonymous
Work; Uniform Titles; Composite Book;
Multi volume Book; Series; Serial and Periodicals
and Non-print Materials.
7. Subject Headings, Chain Procedure
and Subject Headings
8. Centralized and Cooperative Cataloguing
MARC, Pre-natal Cataloguing; Union Catalogue;
Difference between Centralized and Cooperative
9. Filing Rules for Entries
Filing according to CCC; ALA Filing Rules.
10. Recent Developments in Cataloguing
ISBD; MARC Format; AACR-Recent
Developments; Cataloguing Networks;
Cataloguing in Internet & Digital Environment and

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