Jane Austen and Mary Shelley and their sisters /

Dabundo, Laura

Jane Austen and Mary Shelley and their sisters / Laura Dabundo - Lanham; New York: Univeristy Press of America, 2000. - 177 p.:

Includes bibliography and index.

Responding to the French Revolution: Williams's Julia and Burney's The Wanderer
Deborah Kennedy

Having Her Cake and Eation, Too: Ambivalence, Popularity, and the Psychosocial Implications of Ann Radeliffe's Fiction
John Stoler

The preceptor as Fiend: Radecliffe's Psychology of the Gothic
David S. Miall

The Treatment of Women in the Novels of Charlotte Turner Smith
Joseph Rosenblum

Jane Austen's Opacities
Laura Dabundo

Susan Ferrier's Allusions: Comdey, Morality, and the Presence of Milton
Angela Esterhammer

The Limits of Liberal Feminism in Maria Edgeworh's Belinda
Kathryn Kirkpatrick

A Reading of Maria Edgeworth's Castle Rackrent
David W, Ullrich

Mary Wollestonecarft and Mary ShelleyL Ideological Affinities
William D. Brewer

The Alienation of Family in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Karla Alwes

Mary Shelley, Shakespeare, and the Romantic Theatre
Vincent F. Petronella

Mary Shelley and the Romance of Science
Ann Engar

The Uses of Adventure: The Moral and Evangelical Robinsonnades of Agnes Strickland, Barbara Hofland and Ann Fraser Tytler
Susan Naramore Maher

Representative Chronology of English Novels by Women of the Romantic Period


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