Selected works of C. Rajagopalachari/

Selected works of C. Rajagopalachari/ edited by Mahesh Rangarajan, N. Balakrishnan, Deepa Bhatnagar - New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2014. - 2 v. : ill. ; 25 cm

List of lllustrations Preface
C.R Rajagopalachari: A Biographical Sketch by Rajmohan Gandhi
Family Tree
1. Letter to the Editor, Madras Mail
2. Lener to the Editor, M adras M ail
3. Our Primary School Masters: Article
4. Lener to the Editor, Madras Mail
5. The Advisory Council of Notables: Article
6. Telegram to V. Krishnaswami Aiyer
7. Letter to the Editor, Hindu
8. Mr. Gandhi's)ail Experiences: Introduction
9. Letter to G. K. Gokhale
10. Letter to G. K. Gokhale
11. Letter to the Editor, Hindu
12. Letter to the Editor, Madras Mail
13. Legislation in Hindu Law: Article
14. Letter to the Editor, Hindu
15. M. K. Gandhi-His Message to India: Article
16. Letter to the Editor, Mad ras M ail
17. Letter to the Editor, Hindu
18. Letter to the Editor, Hindu
19. Letter to the Editor, Hindu

15 May 1907
23 May 1907
June 1907
lOJune 1907
July 1907
17January 1911
8 September 1911
1 October 1913
26 November 1913
8 December 1913
11 December 1913
27 April 1914
September 1914
27 April 1915
11 February 1916
1 April 1916
24 May 1916
9 August 1916
12 August 1916


20. The Place of English in Indian Education: Article 31 August 1916 46
21 . Letter to the Editor, Commonweal 6 October 1916 54
22. Letter to the Editor, Commonweal 20 October 1916 55
23. Letter to the Editor, Hind u 18 January 1917 58
24. Letter to the Secretary co the Madras
Government, Public Department 19 January 19 17 58
25. Views on Indian Tariff Amendment Bill 21 March 1917 59
26. Letter to the Editor, Hind u 23 May 1917 60
27. Letter to the Editor, Hi11d11 26 May 1917 61
28. Letter to the Secretary to the Government
of Madras, Local and Municipal Department 28 August 1917 63
29. Letter to the Secretary to the Government of
Madras, Local and Municipal Department 19 September 1917 65
30. Letter to the Secretary co the Government of
Madras, Local and Municipal Department 20 September 1917 67
31. Letter to the Collector of Salem 28 September 1917 68
32. Letter to the Secretary to the Government of
Madras, Local and Municipal Department 2 November 1917 69
33. Letter to the Secretary to the Government of Madras, Local and Municipal Department
2 December 1917
34. Statement on Abkari Revenue and Local Bodies 9 April 1918 71
35. Views on the Political Situation 30 May 1918 72
36. Letter to the Editor, Hind u 31 May 1918 73
37. Letter to the Editor, H ind u 1June 1918 74
38. Letter to the Editor, New Ind ia 2 june 1918 75
39. Letter regarding Dr. Annie Besant's attack on
Dr. P. Varadarajulu Naidu 22 June 1918 76
40. Dr. S. Subramania Iyer and Lokamanya

Tilak: Article 25 June 1918 79
41. Letter to the Editor, Hi nd u 30 June 1918 83
42 . Letter to the Editor, Hind u 31 July 1918 85
43. Suggestions for the Subjects Committee of the Madras Provincial Conference
2 August 1918
44. Telegram to C. Vijiaraghavacha riar 9 August 1918 86


45. Telegram to President, Salem District Conference 9 August 1918 87
46. Letter to the Editor, Hindu 14 August 1918 87
47. Letter to the Secretary to the Government of
Madras, Local and Municipal Department 23 August 1918 90
48. Letter to the Editor, Hindu 23 September 1918 91
49. Letter to the Editor, Hindu 23 October 1918 92
50. Letter to the Editor, Hindu 25 October 1918 93
51. Letter to the Secretary to the Government of
Madras, Local and Municipal Department 27 October 1918 95
52. Letter to the Secretary to the Government of
Madras, Local and Municipal Department 2 November 1918 96
53. Statement on Madura Shooting Incident 18 November 1918 98
54. Presidential Address at Home Rule League
Conference, Trichinopoly: Extracts 12January 1919 100
55. Views on the Rowlatt Report 27 January 1919 104
56. Letter to A. Rangaswami Iyengar 11 February 1919 106
57. Statement on Rowlatt Bills and Dr. Annie
Besant's Message 19 February 1919 107
58. Letter to the Editor, Hindu 18 February 1919 108
59. Speech at Public Meeting 30 March 1919 109
60. Impressions of Satyagraha Day in Madras 7 April 1919 110
61. Letter to the Editor, Hindu 10 April 1919 112
62. Opinion on duties of Satyagrahis 11 April 1919 113
63. Letter to C. Vijiaraghavachariar 12 April 1919 114
64. Instructions to Satyagrahis 19 April 1919 115
65. Letter to Mahadev Desai 28 April 1919 116
66. Pamphlet on Satyagraha 5 May 1919 118
67. Pamphlet on Rowlatt Law 12 May 1919 122
68. Letter to C. Vijiaraghavachariar 26 May 1919 126
69. Note on Hindu and the Press Act 2June 1919 127
70. Statement on Swami Shraddhanand's
withdrawal from the Satyagraha Sabha 3 June 1919 127
71. Report on the Meeting regarding Hindu and the Press Act
5 June 1919


72. Indian Home Rule: Note
73. Rights of Citizens: Foreword


6June l 919
7 June 1919


74. Statement regarding the Aluminium Factory Strike
75. . Appeal to the Citizens of Madras
76. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi
77. Letter to Members of the Satyagraha Sabha
78. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi
79. Letter for the Nationalist regarding the Forfeiture of its Security
80. Essentials of Reform: Article
81. Some Objections of Satayagraha: Article
82. Civil Disobedience and Disturbances: Article
83. Clarification regarding Telegram
84. An Account of the Labour Meeting
85. Letter to the Editor, Hindu
86. Presidential Address at the Provincial Social

Conference, Trichinopoly: Extracts
87. An Appeal for Volunteers for the Punjab Bazaar Week
88. How to Celebrate the Birthday?: Article
89. Statement on Punjab Bazaar
90. Letter to the Editor, Hindu
91. Observations on Khilafat Day 92. Letter to the Editor, New India
93. Statement on Night Schools
94. Letter to the Editor, Hindu
95. Note on the Nationalist Conference
96. Statement on Moderates and Nationalists
97. Presidential Address at the Madura Ramnad District Conference
98. Letter to the Editor, Hindu
99. Letter to Devadas Gandhi
100. Letter to Devadas Gandhi

23 August 1919 149
l9 September 1919 153
21 September 1919 153
7 October 1919 155
17 October 1919 158
18 October 1919 159
21 October 1919 160
21 October 1919 164


101. Letter to Devadas Gandhi
102. Letter to Devadas Gandhi
103. Letter to Devadas Gandhi
104. Letter to Devadas Gandhi
105. Hindi or English: A Reply to B. N. Sarma
106. Letter to C. Vijiaraghavachariar
107. Letter to Devadas Gandhi
l08. Letter to the Editor, Hindi1
109. Letter to Devadas Gandhi
110. Letter to Devadas Gandhi
111. The Enfranchisement of the Urban Wage

132. Letter to Devadas Gandhi 23 M ay 1920 222
133. Letter to C. Vijiaraghavachariar 25 May 1920 223
134. Telegram to Mahadev Desai 12 June 1920 223
135. Telegram to Mahatma Gandhi 12 June 1920 224
136. Telegram to Mathu radas Trikamji 12 Ju ne 1920 224
137. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 12 June 1920 224
138. Letter to C. Vijiaraghavacha riar 12 Junc 1920 225
139. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 16June 1920 226
140. Why Not Prohibition At Once in Madras? : Article 16June 1920 227
141. Letter to C. Vijiaraghavachariar 16June 1920 230
142. Views on Lawyers and Non-cooperation 17June 1920 231
143. Letter to C. Vijiaraghavacha riar 17 Ju ne 1920 232
144. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 29 June 1920 232
145. Letter to C. Vijiaraghavachariar 30 June 1920 234
146. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 5 July 1920 236
147. Letter to C. Vijiaraghava cha riar 7 July 1920 236
148. Statement on Electric Corporation Strike 9 July 1920 238
149. Letter to C. Vijiaraghavacha riar 20 July 1920 239
150. Apology for delay in Recruitment of Teachers
for Hindi Prachar 26 July 1920 239
151. Letter to Lord Willingdon 10 August 1920 240
152. Letter to the Editor, Hi ndu 21 October 1920 241
153. Letter to the Editor, Hindu 29 October 1920 242
154. Gist of Articles in the M ahomed an and the
M ad ras Review 10 November 1920 244

155. Note on the Madras Legislative Council Elections 24 November 1920 245
156. An Appeal for Boycott of Cou nci l 27 November 1920 246
157. Statement on Madras Legislative Council Elections 3 December 1920 248
158. Letter to the Editor, Hind u 10 December 1920 248
159. Letter to C. Vijiaraghavacha riar 17January 1921 250
160. Note on Non-cooperation and Election s to Local Bodies
17 January 1921
161. Letter to the Editor, New l ndia 24 Janua ry 1921 251


162. Note on Work in the Mofussil 29 January 1921 253
163. Telegram to Congress Working Committee 31 January 1921 254
164. Telegram to Devadas Gandhi 6 February 1921 254
165. Wire on Khilafar Agitation in Kerala 18 February 1921 254
166. Telegram to U. Gopala Menon 25 Februa ry 1921 255
167. Speech on Repression in Kerala 21 February 1921 256
168. Speech at a Public Meeting 27 February 1921 257
169. Instructions to Voluntary Workers of the Indian National Congress
4 March 1921
170. Congress Notes 8 March 1921 259
17l. Note on the National Education Fund 8 March 1921 260
172. Letter to the Editor, New In.dia 8 March 1921 261
173. Congress Notes 11 March 1921 262
174. Congress Notes 15 March 1921 264
I 75. Congress Notes 16 March 1921 265
176. Congress Notes 17 March 1921 266
177. Notice for AICC Meeting at Bezwada 25 March 1921 267
178. Congress Notes 30 March 1921 268
l 79. Congress Notes 5 April 1921 269
180. Letter to P. Kesava Pillai 7 April 1921 270
181. Congress Notes 14 April 1921 270
182. Speech at Tiruppur 21April 1921 272
183. Congress Notes 29 April 1921 272
184. Congress Notes 12 May 1921 274
185. Congress Notes 14 May 1921 277
186. Congress Notes 18 May 1921 278
187. Congress Notes 21 May 1921 279
188. Congress Notes 25 May 1921 282
189. Repression in Kerala 14June 1921 283
190. Congress Notes 15June 1921 284
191 . Congress Notes 16 June 1921 286
192. Congress Notes 20 Ju ne 1921 287
l 93. Congress Notes 21 June 1921 288


194. Congress Notes
195. Congress Notes
196. Statement on Tilak Swarajya Fund
197. Congress Notes
198. Congress Notes
199. Congress Notes
200. Letter to the Editor, Hindu
201. Statement on the Provincial Congress Committee
202. Letter to the General Secretaries, INC
203. Reply to Critics
204. Telegram to the Private Secretary to the Governor of Madras
205. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi
206. Statement on Riots
207. Telegram to the Chief Secretary, Government of Madras
208. Telegram to the Chief Secretary, Government of Madras
209. Note on Congress Relief 210. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi
211. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi
212. Telegram to Mahatma Gandhi
213. Letter to Devadas Gandhi
214. Letter to Devadas Gandhi
215. An Appeal to the Delegates to attend the Congress Session at Ahmedabad
216. Interview to And hra Pattika
217. . Letter to Mahatma Gandhi
218. Letter to Mahatma Gandhi 219 . Letter to Mahatma Gandhi
220. Freedom's Battle : Introduction

22 June 1921 289
24 June 1921 289
24 June 1921 290
25 June 1921 292
27 June 1921 293
6July 192l 294
15July 1921 296
17July 1921 297
20 July 1921 298
20 July 1921 301
27 August 1921 303
8 September 1921 303
14 September 192l 305

Appendi x I : Defence Argument in Dr. P. Va radarajul u Naidu 's Case 1918 331

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Appendix II: Resolutions moved by C. Rajagopalachari 344

1. Manifesto on Congress Presidentship 29 June 1918 351
2. Manifesto on Reform Proposals 8july 1918 352
3. Notice for Salem District Conference 1 August 1918 355
4. Appeal to Observe Satyagraha Fast 26 March 1919 355
5. Appeal by Madras Satyagraha Sabha to

Observe Fasc 27 March 1919 357
6. Notice for Protest Meeting on Press Act 30 May 1919 358
7. Notice for Public Meeting to Protest against Kalinath Roy's Imprisonment
17 June 1919
8· Notice for Public Meeting on Senior School
Leaving Certifica te Results 7 July 19 19 359


9. Notice for Public Meeting on Punjab Affairs 9 September 1919
10. Notice regarding Nationalists ' Conference 3 November 1919
11. Appeal to Observe Khilafat Day 17 March 1920
12. Programme of the Madras Nationalist Association 27 April 1920
13. Resolution of Madras Nationalist Association on


Legislative Elections
14. Letter to the President of Madras P.C.C.
15. All India Home Rule League Circular
16. Draft Constitution of All India Home Rule League
17. Letter to the General Secretary, AICC
18. Telegram to Mahatma Gandhi
19. Manifesto on the Prosecution of the Ali Brothers

Appendix IV: Reference Items
1. Satyagrahi (Madras)
2. Letter from Mahatma Gandhi
3. Instructions for Satyagrahis

Chronology ( 1878-1 921)

4 May 1920
20 September 1920
30 September 1920
23 September 1920
1O December 1920
6 July 1921
6 October 1921

18 April 1919
25 Ju ne 1919
30 june 1919




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