How Economics Should be Done: Essays on the Art and Craft of Economics

Colander, David C

How Economics Should be Done: Essays on the Art and Craft of Economics - United States of America: Edward Elgar, 2019. - 270p.

Contents: Preface Introduction Part I Methodological Framework and Methodology For Economic Policy As Art 1. "Why Aren't Economists as Important as Garbagemen?" 2. 'Vision, Judgment, and Disagreement among Economists' 3. 'Retrospectives: The Lost Art of Economics' 4. 'The Systemic Failure of Economic Methodologists' 5. 'The Death of Neoclassical Economics' Part II Methodology for Microeconomics 6. 'Applied Policy, Welfare Economics, and Mill's Half-truths' 7. 'A Failure to Communicate: The Fact-Value Divide and the Putnam-Dasgupta Debate' 8. 'Framing the Economic Policy Debate' 9. 'Complexity economics and workaday economic policy' Part III Methodology For Macroeconomics 10. 'The Macrofoundations of Micro' 11. 'Post Walrasian Macro Policy and the Economics of Muddling Through' 12. 'How Economists Got It Wrong: A Nuanced Account' 13. 'Economists, Incentives, Judgment, and the European CVAR Approach to Macroeconometrics' 14. 'Beyond DSGE Models: Toward an Empirically Based Macroeconomics' Part IV Pragmatic Methods For Doing Economics As A Profession 15. 'Written Testimony of David Colander, Submitted to the Congress of the United States, House Science and Technology Committee, July 20th, 2010' 16. 'Moving Beyond the Rhetoric of Pluralism: Suggestions for an "Inside-the-Mainstream" Heterodoxy' 17. 'Creating Humble Economists: A Code of Ethics for Economists' Annotated Bibliography of Colander's Methodological Work List of Book Reviews


Economia -- Metodología.
macro foundations.

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