Restoring values: Keys to integrity, ethical behaviour and good governance/

Sreedharan, E

Restoring values: Keys to integrity, ethical behaviour and good governance/ edited by E. Sreedharan, Bharat Wakhlu. - SAGE, 2010.

Cover; Contents; Message; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; Introduction: What Does it Take to Create an Ethical, Value-based Society?; Igniting the Truth Within; Values in Law Enforcement and the Justice System; Possible Solutions for Nurturing National Values; Public Administration in India: Facing an Ethical Crisis; The Re-birthing of Indian Society; Values versus Institutions: Moving beyond False Dichotomy; The National Value Crisis and its Redressal; Eliminating Corruption and Resolving Confl icts: Essential Elements for Societal Morality.


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