Interactive information seeking, behaviour and retrieval

Interactive information seeking, behaviour and retrieval edited by Ian Ruthven and Diane Kelly - London: Facet Publishing, 2011. - xxxvii, 296 p.

1. Interactive information retrieval: history and background - Colleen Cool and Nicholas J. Belkin
2. Information behavior and seeking - Peiling Wang
3. Task-based information searching and retrieval - Elaine G. Toms
4. Approaches to investigating information interaction and behaviour - Raya Fidel
5. Information representation - Mark D. Smucker
6. Access models - Edie Rasmussen
7. Evaluation - Kalervo Jarvelin
8. Interfaces for information retrieval - Max Wilson
9. Interactive techniques - Ryen W. White
10. Web retrieval, ranking and personalization - Jaime Teevan and Susan Dumais
11. Recommendation, collaboration and social search - David M. Nichols and Michael B. Twidale
12. Multimedia: behaviour, interfaces and interaction - Haiming Liu, Suzanne Little and Stefan Ruger
13. Multimedia: information representation and access - Suzanne Little, Evan Brown and Stefan Ruger.


Information retrieval. Information storage and retrieval. Interactie.

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