Art’s Teachings, Teaching’s Art/


Art’s Teachings, Teaching’s Art/ - New York: Springer,

Introduction: Redistributing the Artistic and Pedagogical Sensible
Tyson E. Lewis, Megan J. Laverty

Art’s Teachings

Art’s Foreignness as an “Exit Pedagogy”

A Poietic Force That Belongs to No One: Reflections on Art and Education from an Agambenian Perspective

Opening Minds Through Narratives

An Organism of Words: Ekphrastic Poetry and the Pedagogy of Perception

Rosetta’s Moral Body: Modernist Lessons from the Dardennes

A Note on the Scandals: The Role of Filmic Fantasy in Reproducing Teaching and its Transgressions

Cinematic Screen Pedagogy in a Time of Modulated Control: To Think the Outside

Music as an Apprenticeship for Life: John Dewey on the Art of Living

Aesthetics and Educational Value Struggles

The Primacy of Movement in Research-Creation: New Materialist Approaches to Art Research and Pedagogy

Teaching’s Arts

Suspending the Ontology of Effectiveness in Education: Reclaiming the Theatrical Gestures of the Ineffective Teacher

Learning by Jamming

The Blue Soul of Jazz: Lessons on Waves of Anguish

Funny Vibe: Towards a Somaesthetic Approach to Anti-racist Education

Toward a Curatorial Turn in Education
Claudia W. Ruitenberg

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