Psychology, Strategy and Conflict/

Psychology, Strategy and Conflict/ - New York: Routledge, 2013.

Foreword, Thomas C. Schelling Introduction, James W. Davis
1. Both Fox and Hedgehog: The Art of Nesting Structural and Perceptual Perspectives, Jack L. Snyder
2. Realism, Randall Schweller
3. Political Psychology, Rose McDermott
4. Rational Signaling Revisited, Jonathan Mercer
5. Fear, Greed, and Financial Decision Making, Janice Gross Stein
6. The Nuclear Question, Marc Trachtenberg
7. The Meaning of Nuclear Evolution: China's Nuclear Modernization and US-China Security Relations, Thomas J. Christensen
8. Reflections on System, System Effects, and 19th Century International Politics as the Practice of Civic Association, Paul W. Schroeder
9. The Art of the Intelligence Autopsy, James J. Wirtz
10. The (Good) Person and the (Bad) Situation: Recapturing Innocence at the Expense of Responsibility?, James W. Davis
11. Force in Our Times, Robert Jervis


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