Prosecuting War Crimes/

Prosecuting War Crimes/ - New York: Routledge, 2014.

1. Introduction: Trials and Tribulations at the ICTY, James Gow and Rachel Kerr
2. The Strategic Purpose of the ICTY and International Peace and Security, Madoka Futamura and James Gow
3. Prosecuting with Pictures: Two Decades of Experience and Evolution, James Gow and Milena Michalski
4. International Law and Institutional Legacy: Prosecuting those accused of breaching the legal bounds of war, Catherine Adams
5. Historical Record and the Legacy of the ICTY, Madiha Khan
6. Lost in translation? Perceptions of the ICTY in the Former Yugoslavia, Rachel Kerr
7. Beyond The Hague: Prosecuting war crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Olga Martin-Ortega
8. The Culture of Denial in Bosanska Krajina, Haris Subašić and Nerzuk Ćurak
9. Judging Their Hero: Perceptions of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in Croatia, Iva Vukušić
10. Revisionism, Denial and anti-ICTY Discourse in Serbia’s Public Sphere: Beyond the ‘Divided Society’ Debate, Jelena Obradović-Wochnik
11. International Justice and Kosovo, Ernst Dijxhoorn
12. Reflections on the Lessons and Legacies of the ICTY: Rethinking Reconciliation in the Context of Transitional Justice, Zoran Pajić


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