Power in a Complex Global System/

Power in a Complex Global System/ - New York: Routledge, 2014.

1. Political Authority, Policy Capacity, and Twenty-first-century Governance, Bruce W. Jentleson and Louis W. Pauly, State Authority and Capacity in Turbulent Times,
2. Management versus Democracy: Political Legitimacy and (the Management of) European Economic and Social Problems, Herman Schwartz,
3. Stieg Larsson and the New Globalism: Lessons for the Structure(s) of Authority in IR, Christine Ingebritsen,
4. Varieties of Financial Capitalism, Crisis, and Adjustment: Plus Ça Change, Plus C’est La Même Chose, Jana Grittersová,
6. Guns, Butter, and More Guns: Japanese Security through March 11th , H. Richard Friman, Derek Hall, David Leheny,
7. Autocratic Diffusion and the Pluralization of Democracy, Paul D’Anieri
8. Constructing a New Culture of Security, Re-constituting Public Power in Post-Communist Europe
9. Alexandra Gheciu Systemic Power and the American Imperium
9. Crises of Authority: Domestic Structures and the Changing American Imperium, David A. Lake
10. Disjoining Partners: Europe and the American Imperium, Rawi Abdelal and Ulrich Krotz,
11. Beyond Hegemony: Norms and Alliances in Europe and Asia, Stephanie C. Hofmann and Andrew Yeo,
12. Are the Leaders and the Followers? The Rise of China and East Asian Regionalism(s), Il Hyun Cho and Seo-Hyun Park,
13. Saving Face, Looking Good, and Building International Reputation in East and West, Jennifer L. Erickson,
14. Small States in Humanitarian Norm Making, Margarita H. Petrova, Epilogue
15. Power 1-4, or The Emperor’s New Clothes, Peter J. Katzenstein


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