Understanding Deviance/

Anderson, Tammy L.

Understanding Deviance/ - New York: Routledge, 2014.

Part 1. Classical Perspectives on Deviance

Overview: Origins of Deviance and Foundational Ideas. by Tammy Anderson

Defining Deviance

Emile Durkheim. 1982 (S. Lukes). Rules for the Distinction of The Normal and the Pathological. Excerpted chapter from Rules of the Sociological Method. New York: The Free Press. Pp. 85-mid 87 and 91- mid 101.
Becker – 1963. Outsiders, "Chapter 1. pp. 1-18" New York: The Free Press.
Symbolic Interactionism, Labeling, Stigma

3. Lemert, Edwin W. 1974. "Beyond Mead: The Societal Reaction to Deviance." Social Problems 21(4):457-468.

4. Goffman, Erving. 1963. Stigma. (Chapter 1, pp 1-19) Englewood Cliffs,

NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Functionalism, Social Pathology and Social Control

5. Merton, R. 1938. Social Structure and Anomie. ASR 3:672-682.

6. Sutherland, Edwin. 1945. Social Pathology. AJS. 50 (6): 429-435.

7. Hirschi, Travis. 2009[1969]. Causes of Delinquency. Piscataway, NJ: Transaction Press. Chapter II, Pp. 16-26.

Critical Theory and Deviance Politics

8. Cohen, S. 1980. Folk Devils and Moral Panics. New York: St Martin’s Press. Chapter 1, pp.9-19

9. Szasz, Thomas S. 1960. "The Myth of Mental Illness." American Psychologist 15(2):113-118.

10. Spitzer, Steven. 1975. "Toward a Marxian Theory of Deviance," Social Problems, 22(5): 638-651.

11. Brake, M. 1974. "The Skinheads: An English Working Class Subculture." Youth & Society, 6(2): 179-200. Pp. 179-188 only

Part 2. Contemporary Approaches to Deviance

Overview; Modern Parallels and Innovations in Deviance Studies. by Tammy Anderson

Moral Panic and Risk Society

12. "[A]Moral Panics, Risk, and the Scientization of Contemporary Problems:

Meth Addiction and Viral Pandemics," by Philip Kavanaugh and R.J. Maratea.

13. Heir, Sean. 2008. "Thinking Beyond Moral Panic: Risk, responsibility and the politics of moralization," Theoretical Criminology, 12: 173-190 (excerpt only 173-177, 180-mid 182, last 4 lines 183-188 + references).

14. Ungar, Sheldon. 2001. "Moral panic versus the risk society: the implications of the changing sites of social anxiety," British Journal of Sociology Vol. No. 52 Issue No. 2 (June 2001) Pp. 271–276 (top) and 287-288.

Stigma, Carnival, and the Grotesque

15. "From Stigma to Carnival of the Grotesque: Explaining Body Deviance," by David Lane.

16. Monaghan, Lee F. 2005. "Big Handsome Men, Bears and Others: Virtual Constructions of 'Fat Male Embodiment'." Body & Society 11(2):81-111. Pp. 81-82, 88-111 only.

17. Langman, Lauren. 2008. "Punk, Porn and Resistance: Carnivalization and the Body in Popular Culture." Current Sociology 56(4):657-677. Pp. 658-mid 660, 661-662, 663-670 and 673-674 only.

Degeneracy, Social Pathology and Medicalization

18. "From Degenerate to Diseased and Back Again: The Circular Trajectory of Mental Illness as Medical Deviance in Sociology," by Victor Perez.

19. Conrad, Peter. 2005. The Shifting Engines of Medicalization. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 46(1): 3-14.

20. Phelan, Jo C. 2005. "Geneticization of Deviant Behavior and Consequences for Stigma: The Case of Mental Illness," Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 46:307-322.




From Labeling to Resistance and Edgework

21. "Deviance and Disorder: Parkour through Labeling and Edgework," by John Brent.

22. Lyng, S. 1990. Edgework: A Social Psychological Analysis of Voluntary Risk Taking. American Journal of Sociology, 95(4): 851-886.

23. Valli, Rajah. 2007. "Resistance as Edgework in Violent Intimate Relationships of Drug-Involved Women." British Journal of Criminology 47(2):196-213.

Deviant Careers and Lifecourse Criminology

24. "Understanding Prostitution through the Deviant Career and Lifecourse Criminology Paradigms," by Emily Bonistall and Kevin Ralston.

25. Sampson, Robert and Laub, John. 1992. "Crime and Deviance in the Lifecourse." Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 18 (1992), Pp. 63-84. Pp. 63-70.

26. Oselin, Sharon. 2010. Weighing the Consequences of a Deviant Career: Factors Leading to an Exit From Prostitution, Sociological Perspectives, Vol. 53, No. 4 (Winter 2010), pp. 527-550.

Subcultures, Scenes, and Tribes

27. "HIV and Bug Chasers: A Deviant Subculture, Scene, or Tribe?" by Holly Swan and Laura Monico

28. Moskowitz, David A. and Michael E. Roloff. 2007. "The existence of a bug chasing subculture." Culture, Health & Sexuality. 9(4):347- 357.

28. Futrell, Robert, Simi, Pete, and Gottschalk, Simon. 2006. "Understanding Music in Movements: The White Power Music Scene." The Sociological Quarterly, 47: 275- 304. Pp. 275-276 and 280-296.

Social Control and Mass Incarceration

30. "The Social Control of Youth across Institutional Spheres," by Aaron Kupchik.

31. Victor Rios, 2006, "The Hyper-Criminalization of Black and Latino Male Youth in the Era of Mass Incarceration" Souls 8: 40-54.

32. Paul Hirschfield, 2008, "Preparing for prison? The criminalization of school discipline in the USA" Theoretical Criminology 12: 79-101. Pp. 79-95 mid.

Part 3. Emergent Possibilities and the Future of Deviance

Overview: Expanding the Scope of Deviance, by Tammy Anderson

33. Kitsuse, John I. 1980. "Coming Out all Over: Deviants and the Politics of Social Problems," Social Problems, 28(1): 1-12.

34. Jones, Nikki. 2009. "I was aggressive for the streets, pretty for the pictures: Gender, difference and the inner-city girl," Gender & Society, 23 (1): 89-93.

35. Ghaziani, Amin. 2010. "There goes the Gayborhood" Contexts: 9(4): 64-66.

36. Anderson, Tammy L. Swan, Holly and Lane, Davd. 2010. Institutional Fads and the Medicalization of Drug Addiction. Sociology Compass, 4(7): 476-494.


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Criminal Justice - Delinquency
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