General studies for civil services preliminary examination: Indian polity and governance/

Thorpe, Edgar

General studies for civil services preliminary examination: Indian polity and governance/ Edgar Thorpe, Showick Thorpe - Uttar Pradesh: Pearson, 2017. - V.2, 2.185 p. PB

paper 1

The Constitutional Framework
Historical Background
An Analysis of the Indian Constitution
Indian Constitution - A Living Law.
The Structure of the Indian Constitution
The Preamble Keshavanada Bharti Case
Parts I-XXII Covering Articles 1-395
The Schedules
Union of India—Its States
and Union Territories
The Union of India
The Re-organisation of the States
The Present Structure of the Union
Indian Federalism
Indian Citizenship
Nature of Citizenship
Citizenship Act and Its Amendments
Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI)
Fimdamenta! Riglits as Defined
in the Constitution
The Scope of Fundamental Rights
Classification of Fundamental Rights
Discussion Points: Important Related
Discussion Points: Connected to
Fundamental Rights
Directive Principles
The Scope of Directive Principles
Classification of Directive Principles of
State Policy (DPSP)
Directive Principles: Important
Amendment Acts
Fundamental Duties of a Citizen of
Fundamental Duties
Supreme Court's Notice on Fundamental
Discussion Points: Connected to
Fundamental Rights
List of Important Constitutional
The Procedure of Amendment
(Article 368)
Part I: The Union and its Territory
Part II: Citizenship
Part ni: Fundamental Rights
Part IV: Directive Principles of State
Part IVa: Fundamental Duties
Part V: The Union
Part VI: The States
Part VII: The States in Part B of the First
Part VIII: The Union Territories
Part IX: The Panchayats
Part IXa: The Municpalities
Part X: The Scheduled and Tribal Areas
Part XI: Relations Between the Union
and the States
Part XII: Finance, Property, Contracts
and Suits
Part XIII: Trade, Commerce and Intercourse
within the Territory of India
Part XIV: Services Under the Union
and the States
Part XlVa: Tribunals
Part XV: Elections
Part XVI: Special Provisions Relating
to Certain Classes
Part XVII: Official Language
Part XVni: Emergency Provisions
Part XIX: Miscellaneous
Part XX: Amendment of the Constitution
Part XXI: Temporary, Transitional and
Special Provisions
Part XXII: Short Title, Commencement,
Authoritative Text in Hindi and Repeals
Multiple-choice Questions
Original UPSC Civil Services Questions
The Union Government
Machinery of the Union Government
The President and the Vice-President
The President
The Vice-President
The Prime Minister and Council
of Ministers
The Prime Minister
The Council of Ministers
The Parliament
The Rajya Sabha
The Lok Sabha
Government Business
Legislative Process
Parliamentary Committees
Important Terms in Conduct of Business
in the Parliament
Administrative Set-Up of Indian
The Judiciary
The Structure of the Supreme Court
The Chief Justice of India
The State Judiciary (The HCs)
The Judges of the High Court
Subordinate Courts
Family Courts
Lok Adalats and Nyaya Panchayats
Important Processes in Indian Judiciary
The State Government
The Machinery of State Government
The State Legislature
The Structure and Nature of the State
Legislative Council (Vidhan Parishad)
Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha)
Local Governments
Panchayats—As Rural Self-Goveming
Role of State Government
Urban Self-Goveming Institutions
Important Constitutional Statutory
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Election Commission
Finance Commission
Central Vigilance Commission (CVC)
Key Functionaries
The Attomey General of India
Advocate General
The Comptroller and Auditor General
of India (CAG)
The Lokpal and the Lokayuktas
The Political Process
General Elections
Political Parties
Indian Elections—Scale of Operation
Discussion Points: Related to Indian
Election Processes
Political Parties and Elections
Official Language
Historical Background
The Official Language Act, 1963
Other Languages
Provisions Relating to Special Classes
Welfare of Scheduled Castes
STs Development
Welfare of Backward Classes
Welfare of Minorities
Special Position of Jammu and
Kashmir in the Indian Union
Discretion of Conferring Special Status
to J&K State
Significance of Article 370
Centre-State Relationships
Distribution of Powers—Centre and States
Inter-State Councils
Zonal Councils (ZCs)
Interstate Water Disputes
Order of Precedence
Bodies In India
Social Legislation in India
Additional Readings
Miihiple-choice Questions
Original UPSC Civil Services Questions


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