Sociology: exploring the architecture of everyday life/

Sociology: exploring the architecture of everyday life/ edited by David M Newman, Jodi O'Brien and Michelle Robertson - 10th ed. - Los Angeles: Sage, 2015. - xi, 389 p. ; 26 cm.

1. Taking a New Look at a Familiar World
"The Sociological Imagination"
"Invitation to Sociology" / C. Wright Mills
"The My Lai Massacre: A Military Crime of Obedience" / Peter Berger

2. Seeing and Thinking Sociologically / Herbert Kelman / V. Lee Hamilton
"The Metropolis and Mental Life" / V. Lee Hamilton / Herbert Kelman
"Culture of Fear" / Georg Simmel
"The (Mis)Education of Monica and Karen" / Barry Glassner

3. Building Reality:The Social Construction of Knowledge / Laura amilton / Elizabeth A. Armstrong
"Concepts, Indicators, and Reality" / Laura Hamilton / Elizabeth A. Armstrong
"Measuring Same-Sex Relationships" / Earl Babbie

4. Building Order: Culture and History / Nancy Bates / Theresa J. DeMaio
"Body Ritual Among the Nacirema" / Nancy Bates / Theresa J. DeMaio
"The Melting Pot" / Horace Miner
"McDonald's in Hong Kong" / Anne Fadiman

5. Building Identity: Socialization / James L. Watson
"Life as the Maid's Daughter" / James L. Watson
"Tiger Girls on the Soccer Field" / Mary Romero
"Working the "Code"' / Hilary Levey Friedman

6. Supporting Identity: The Presentation of Self / Nikki Jones
"The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life: Selections" / Nikki Jones
"Blue Chip Blacks: Managing Race in Public Spaces" / Erving Goffman
"The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity" / Karyn R. Lacy

7. Building Social Relationships: Intimacy and Family / David Grazian
"The Radical Idea of Marrying for Love" / David Grazian
"Gay Parenthood and the End of Paternity as We Knew It" / Stephanie Coontz
"Covenant Marriage: Reflexivity and Retrenchment in the Politics of Intimacy" / Judith Stacey

8. Constructing Difference: Social Deviance / Dwight Fee
"Watching the Canary" / Dwight Fee
"Healing (Disorderly) Desire: Medical-Therapeutic Regulation of Sexuality" / Lani Guinier / Gerald Torres
"Patients, 'Potheads' and Dying to Get High" / P.J. McGann

9. The Structure of Society: Organizations and Social Institutions / Wendy Chapkis
"These Dark Satanic Mills" / Wendy Chapkis
"The Smile Factory: Work at Disneyland" / William Greider
"Cool Stores, Bad Jobs" / John Van Maanen

10. The Architecture of Stratification: Social Class Inequality / Yasemin Besen-Cassino
"Making Class Invisible" / Yasemin Besen-Cassino
"Branded With Infamy: Inscriptions of Poverty and Class in America" / Gregory Mantsios
"The People of Wal-Mart" / Vivyan Adair

11. The Architecture of Inequality: Race and Ethnicity / Nicholas Copeland / Christine Labuski
"Racial and Ethnic Formation" / Nicholas Copeland / Christine Labuski
"Optional Ethnicities" / Howard Winant / Michael Omi
"Jeremy Lin's Model Minority Problem" / Mary C. Waters

12. The Architecture of Inequality: Sex and Gender / Maxwell Leung
"Black Women and a New Definition of Womanhood" / Maxwell Leung
"Still a Man's World: Men Who Do 'Women's Work'" / Bart Landry
"New Biomedical Technologies, New Scripts, New Gender" / Christine L. Williams

13. Global Dynamics and Population Demographic Trends / Eve Shapiro
"India's Reproductive Assembly Line" / Eve Shapiro
"Love and Gold" / Sharmila Rudrappa
"Age-Segregation in Later Life: An Examination of Personal Networks" / Arlie Russell Hochschild

14. The Architects of Change: Reconstructing Society / Jenny de Jong Gierveld / Peter Uhlenberg
"'Aqui Estamos y No Vamos!' Global Capital and Immigrant Rights" / Peter Uhlenberg / Jenny de Jong Gierveld
"The Seattle Solidarity Network: A New Approach to Working-Class Social Movements" / William I. Robinson
"Challenging Power: Toxic Waste Protests and the Politicization of White, Working-Class Women" / Walter Winslow



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