The idea of the public sphere: a reader/

The idea of the public sphere: a reader/ edited by Jostein Gripsrud, Hallvard Moe, Anders Molander, Graham Murdock - Lanham: Lexington Books, 2010. - xxviii, 317 p. ; 26 cm.



Editors' Introduction

Section I The Enlightenment and the Liberal Idea of the Public Sphere


Immanuel Kant: An Answer to the Question: "What is EnlightenmentV

G. W. F. Hegel: Excerpt from Philosophy of Right

John Stuart Mill: Excerpt from On Liberty

Section II "Mass Society," Democracy, and Public Opinion


Walter Lippmann: Excerpt from The Phantom Public

John Dewey: Excerpt from The Public and Its Problems

Joseph A. Schumpeter: Excerpt from Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy

Carl Schmitt: Excerpt from The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy

Section III The Public Sphere Rediscovered

Hannah Arendt: Excerpt from Tlte Human Condition

Jiirgen Habermas: The Public Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article

Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluge: pjccerpt from Public Sphere and Experience

Nancy Eraser: Rethinking the Public Sphere: A Contribution to the Critique of Actually Existing Democracy

Section IV The Public Sphere and Models of Democracy


Jon Elster: The Market and the Forum: Three Varieties of
PoliticaJ Theory

Niklas Luhmann: Societal Complexity and Public Opinion

Jiirgen Habermas: Excerpt from Between Facts and Norms:

Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy

John Rawls; The Idea of Public Reason Revisited

Section V Current Challenges


Bernhard Peters: National and Transnational Public Spheres

James Bohman: Expanding Dialogue: The Internet, the Public

Sphere, and Prospects for Transnational Democracy

Chantal Mouffe: Deliberative Democracy or Agonistic Pluralism?

Seyla Benhabib: Excerpt from The Claims of Culture: Equality and

Diversity in the Global Era

Jiirgen Habermas: Religion in the Public Sphere

Further Readings


Political science--Philosophy

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