Critical Debates in Tourism/

Critical Debates in Tourism/ SinghTej Vir - Bristol: Channel view publications, 2012. - 398

1 Mass Tourism and Sustainability: Can the Two Meet4
Towards Sustainable Mass Tourism: Paradigm Shift or Paradigm
NudgeIs Mass Tourism Serious About Sustainabilityi - Ralf Buckley
Sustainable Mass Tourism: More Smudge than Nudge -
The Canard Continues - Brian Wlieeller
Critical and Normative Responses to Sustainable Tourism -
Bill Bramwcll -
2 Consumerism and Tourism: Are They Cousins^
Does Consumerism Necessarily Promote Bad Tourism^ -
Richard Shaiylev
Consumerism, Tourism and Voluntary Simplicity; We All Have
to Consume, but do we Really Have to Travel so Much to be
Happy^ - C Alichael Hall
Not All Consumerism has a Shady Side! -Joan C. Henderson
3 Is Small Tourism BeautifuU
Tourism: Is Small BeautifuK - David Harrison
Small can be Beautiful, but Big can be Beautiful Too - And
Complementary: Towards Mass Tourism/Alternative Tourism
Synergy - David Weaver
Small is Beautiful, but Size can be Important - Richard Butler
4 Does Community Participation Empower Local Peopled
The Mantra of 'Community Participation' in Context -
Jim Butcher
Community-Based Tourism as Strategic Dead-End -
OiiviJ Wlvnr/'
Community Participation - In Need of a Eresh Perspective -
Shcilini Sin^li
5 Does Tourism Reduce Poverty^
Pro-Poor Tourism: Is There Value Beyond the Rhetoric^ -
Rciiiiui Schcxrcns
Pro-Poor Tourism; Is There Actually Much Rhetoricr
And, if so, Whosev - Dcralicd lever
Pro-Poor Tourism: Is There Value Beyond 'Whose' Rhetoric^ -
David I larriscn
Pro-Poor Tourism. Climate Change and Sustainable
Development - Paul Peeter^
6 Volunteer Tourism: Is it Benign^
Volunteer Tourism: As Good as it Seems'^ - Daniel CiUttcmai^
Volunteer Tourism May Not be as Good as it Seems -
Jim Biiicher
Volunteer Tourism: Looking Forward - hiiza Ravmoiid
7 Tourism and Welfare: Seeking Symbiosis
The Tourism Industry's Welfare Responsibilities:
An Adequate Response r - Derek Hall and Irances Brown
'Ethical' Travel and Well-being: Reposing the Issue -
Jim Bincher
Tourism Ethics Needs More Than a Surface Approach -
David Peiinell
Tourism and Welfare: A Good Idea and a Pious Hope -
Carson L Jenkins
8 Tourism Education: Quo Vadis^
Contemporary Tourism Education: Notes from the
Frontline - Chris Cooi^er
The Cost of Everything and the Value of Nothing -
Brian Wheeller
Innovate or Deteriorate - Moving Tourism Education into
the 21st Century - Lisa Ridiancn
9 Post-Colonialism: Academic Responsibility^
Tost Colonialism', Responsibility and Tourism Academics:
Where's the Connection^ - Derek I lall and Irances Brown
Academic Capitalism, Academic Responsibility and Tourism
Academics: Or, the Silence of the Lambs'^ - C. Michael Hall
Towards an Ethics of Responsibility in Tourism Education -
Erih Cohen
10 The Dilemma of Authenticity and Inauthenticity
Authenticity' in Tourism Studies: Aj^rcs la Lutte - Erih Cohen
Staged Authenticity: A Grande Idee^ - Kjell Olsen
Authenticity Matters: Meanings and Further Studies in
Tourism - Philii> L. Pearce
11 Heritage Tourism: Heritage Tourists
Do Tourists Destroy the Heritage They Have Come to
Experienced - Cregorv Ashworih
Heritage Tourists: Responsible, (f)or Whatd - Brian Wlteeller
Tourists and Heritage: All Things Must Come to Pass -
C A Jichaet Hall
12 Nature-Based Tourism: There's a Lot in a Name
What's in a Named Conceptualizing Natural Resource-Based
Tourism - David Fennel! .
Nature-Based Tourism in Breadth and Depth - Ralf Buckley and
Alexandra Coyhlan
Ecotourism and Nature-Based Tourism: What's Beyond the
Names and Labelsd - Beiiv Wcilcr
13 Tourism and Climate Change: A Need for Critical
Tourism and Climate Change: Knowledge Gaps and Issues -
C Michael Hail
Climate Change - Beyond the Hype - Siisannc Bechen
Climate Change: Tourism Destination Dynamics - Ralf Buckley
Climate Change and Tourism: Time for Critical Reflection -
Daniel Scott
14 Slow Tourism: Back to Bullock Cart Days!
Are Slow Travel and Slow Tourism Misfits, Compadres or
Different Genresd - Dennis Conway and Benjamin F. Timins
Advocating and Implementing Slow Tourism - Alison Caffyn
Questioning Slow as Sustainable - Rachel Dodds

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