Adventure Sport in Kashmir and Ladakh/

Ward, A.E.

Adventure Sport in Kashmir and Ladakh/ A.E. Ward - Srinagar: Gulshan books, 2013. - 107 p.

The Shikaras of Kashmir and of Ladakh-The cost of a shooting excurPreface I
The Shikaris of Kashmir and of Ladakh-The cost of ashooting excur-
sion-The decrease ofgame-Seasons for shooting. 3
II Routes to Leh, etc—A few shooting routes. 9
III Himalayan game-Fur producers-Pheasants, etc. 17
IV The Markhor (Capra megaceros and Capra falconeri) 19
V Ibex [Capra Sibirica) 24
VI TheTheror Thar(Hemilragus jemlaicus)32-
VII The Serow (Nemorhoedus bubalina) 34
VIII The Goral(Nemorhoedus Coral.) 37
IX The Ovis Ammon-In Thibet: Nyan, Ovis Poli and Karelini. 41
X Ovis Vignei (Sharpoo of Ladakh; Oorin of Boonjie and Astor) 46
XI The Burhel(Ovis Nahura) 50
XII The Stag(Cervus wallichii) '55
XIII The Musk Deer (Moschus moschiferus) 67
XIV The Barking Or Rib-feced Deer (Cervulus aureus) 70
XV The Thibetan Antelope (Kemas Hodgsonii) 73
XVI The Thibetan Ravine Deer (Procapra pecticaudata) 76
XVII The Yak (Poephagus gruniens) 77
XVIII The Kyano Or Wild Ass OfThibet (Equus Himionus) 80
XIX The Bears (Black And Brows) (Ursustibetanus and Uisabellinus) 81
XX The Leopard (Felis pardus) 84
XXI The Thibet Lynx (Felis isabellina). The "Ee" 88
XXII The Wolves And Wild Dogs Or i:adakh And Kashmir 89
XXIII The Sambhur (Rusa Aristotelis) 91
XXIV The small game shooting in Kashmir-Some general remarks on the Hima-
layan smallgame. 95
XXV Hints on preserving horns and skins from decay 99
XXVI Fishing in Kashmir-Tangrote and North-West generally 102
Index 105
sion-The decrease of game-Seasons for shooting. 3
II Routes to Leh, etc—A few shooting routes. 9
III Himalayan game-Fur producers-Pheasants, etc. 17
IV The Markhor (Capra megaceros and Capra falconeri) 19
V Ibex [Capra Sibirica) 24
VI TheTheror Thar(Hemitragus jemlahicus)32-
VII The Serow (Naemorhedus bubalina) 34
VIII The Goral(Naemorhedus Coral.) 37
IX The Ovis Ammon-In Thibet: Nyan, Ovis Poli and Karelini. 41
X Ovis Vignei (Sharpoo of Ladakh; Oorin of Boonjie and Astor) 46
XI The Burhel(Ovis Nahura) 50
XII The Stag(Cervus wallichii) '55
XIII The Musk Deer (Moschus moschiferus) 67
XIV The Barking Or Rib-feced Deer (Cervus aureus) 70
XV The Tibetan Antelope (Kemas Hodgsonii) 73
XVI The Tibetan Ravine Deer (Procapra pecticaudata) 76
XVII The Yak (Poephagus grunniens) 77
XVIII The Kayano Or Wild Ass Of Tibet (Equus Hemionus) 80
XIX The Bears (Black And Brows) (Ursustibetanus and Uisabellinus) 81
XX The Leopard (Felis pardus) 84
XXI The Thibet Lynx (Felis isabellina). The "Ee" 88
XXII The Wolves And Wild Dogs Or i:ladakh And Kashmir 89
XXIII The Sambhur (Rusa Aristotelis) 91
XXIV The small game shooting in Kashmir-Some general remarks on the Hima-ayan small game. 95
XXV Hints on preserving horns and skins from decay 99
XXVI Fishing in Kashmir-Tangrote and North-West generally 102

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