World Population Policies 2009/

World Population Policies 2009/ United Nation - New York: United nations, 2009. - 489p.

PartOne. Government Views and policies
I. Major Population Concerns 7
II. Population SIZE and GROWTH 8
III. Population AGE STRUCTURE * 10
IV. Fertility AND FAMILY planning 12
V. Health and mortality 17
VI. Spatial distribution and internal migration : 27
VII. International migration 32
References 39
1. Sources for monitoring government views and policies on population 3
2. Major Population concerns of Governments in 2009 7
3. Countries with legal measures to prohibit AIDS-related discrimination in
2009 by rate of adult HIV prevalence 22
4. Countries that liberalized or restricted grounds on which abortion is
permitted between 1996 and 2009 , 26
I. Distribution of Government According to Aeir level of concern about population
ageing, 2009 10
II. Governments in Africa according to their view son the level of fertility, 1976 and 2009.... 13
III. Government policies on the level of fertility, 1976,1986,1996 and 2009 13
IV. Governments in Europe according to their views on the level of fertility, 1976 and 2009.. 14
V. Percentage of Governments providing direct support to facilitate access to modem
contraceptive methods, 1976,1986,1996 and 2009 15
VI. Government policies on providing access to contraceptive methods, Africa, 1976
and 2009 16
VII. Developing countries that view their mortality level as acceptable, 1976,1986,
World Population Policies 2009
1996 and 2009..:... \1
VIII. Distribution of countries according to the implementation of measures to respond to the
HIV/AIDS epidemic, 2009 20
IX. Countries with legal measures to prohibit AIDS-related discrimination, 2009 21
X. Grounds on which abortion is permitted by level of development in 1980,
1996 and 2009 24
XI. Countries by grounds on which abortion is permitted, 2009 25
XII. Government views on the spatial distribution of their population, 2009 28
XIII. Government policies on immigration, 1996 and 2009 35
XIV. Government policies on the immigration of highly skilled workers, 2009 36
1. Government views on the rate of population growth: 1976, 1986, 1996 and 2009 44
' 2. Government policies on the rate of population growth: 1976,1986,1996 and 2009...r. 46
3. Government level of concern about the ageing oft he population, 2009 48
4. Government level
of concern about the size of the population of working-age, 2009 49
5. Government views on the level of fertility: 1976,1986,1996 and 2009. 50
6. Government policies on the level of fertility: 1976,1986,1996 and 2009 52
7. Government policies on providing access to contraceptive methods: 1976,1986,
1996 and 2009 54
8. Government level of concern about adolescent fertility, 1996 and 2009 56
9. Government policies and programmes addressing adolescent fertility, 1996 and 2009 57
10. Govemmentviewsontheacceptability ofthe mortality level: 1976, 1986,1996
and 2009 58
11. Government views on the acceptability of the level of under-five mortality, 1996
and 2009 60
12. Government views on the acceptability oft he level of maternal mortality, 2009 61
13. Government level of concern about HIV/AIDS, 1996 and 2009 62
14. Government measures implemented in response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, 2009 63
15. Government views on the spatial distribution of the population: 1976,1986,1996
and 2009..... 64
16. ^Government policies on internal migration from rural areas to urban areas, 2009 66
17... Government policies on internal migration into urban agglomerations: 1976,1986,
1996 and 2009 67
18. Government policies on internal migration from urban areas to urban areas, 2009 69
19. Government policies on internal migration from urban areas to rural areas, 2009 70
20. Government views on the level of immigration: 1976,1986,1996 and 2009 71
vi United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs/Population Division
21. Government policies on immigration: 1976, 1986, 1996 and 2009 73
22. Government policies on immigration for permanent settlement, 2009 75
23. Government policies on immigration of highly skilled workers, 2009 76
24. Government policies on immigration
of temporary workers, 2009 : 77
25. Government policies on immigration for family reunification, 2009 78
26. Government policies on integration of non-citizens, 2009 79
27. Government views on the level of emigration: 1976, 1986,1996 and 2009 80
28. Government policies on emigration: 1976,1986,1996 and 2009 82
29. Government Policies on encouraging the return of citizens, 2009 84
Part Two. Country profiles
VIII. Definitions and sources 87
A. Glossary 87
1. Government views and policies 87
2. Demographic indicators 94
B. Sources 95
C. Ordering the data on CD-Rom 97
IX. Profiles of national population policies 99
Afghanistan 100
Albania 102
Algeria 104
Andorra 106
Angola 108
Antigua and Barbuda no
Argentina 112
Armenia 114
Australia 116
Austria 118
Azerbaijan /. 12o
Bahamas : 122
Bahrain 124
Bangladesh 126
Barbados j28
Belgium j32
World Population Policies 2009
Belize I34
Benin 135
Bhutan 13g
Bolivia(Plurinational State of) n 140
Bosnia and Herzegovina 142
Botswana I44
Brazil I45
Brunei Darussalam 148
Bulgaria 150
Burkina Faso 152
Cambodia 156
Cameroon 158
Canada 160
Cape Verde 162
Qentral African Republic 164
Chad ; 166
Chile 168
China 170
Colombia 172
Comoros 174
Congo 176
Cook Islands 178
Costa Rica
.1 180
Coted'Ivoire 182
Croatia 184
Cuba 186
Cyprus 188
Czech Republic 190
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 192
Democratic Republic of the Congo 194
Denmark I95
Djibouti 198
Dominica 200
Dominican Republic 202
Ecuador 204
Egypt 1 206
El Salvador .;/ 208
Equatorial Gumea 2IO
j^ritrea 212
World Population Policies 2009
Estonia 214
Ethiopia * 216
Fiji 218
Finland 220
France 222
Gabon 224
Gambia 226
Georgia 228
Germany 230
Ghana 232
Greece 234
Grenada.. 236
Guatemala 238
Guinea 240
Guinea-Bissau. 242
Guyana 244
Haiti 246
Holy See 248
Honduras 250
Hungary 252
Iceland 254
India 256
Indonesia ; 258
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 260
Iraq 262
Ireland 264
Israel 266
Italy 268
Jamaica ; 270
Japan 272
Jordan 274
Kazakhstan 276
Kenya 278
kiribati 280
Kuwait 282
Kyrgyzstan 284
Lao Pec^l^'s Democratic Republic 286
Latvia... 288
Lebanon 290
Lesotho... 292
United Nations Department of Economic and Social AfFairs/Population Division ix
World Population Policies 2009
Liberia 294
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 296
Liechtenstein 298
Lithuania 300
Luxembourg 302
Madagascar 304
Malawi 306
Malaysia 308
Maldives 310
Mali 312
Malta ; 314
Marshall Islands
Mauritius ^^0
-A- ^22
Micronesia (Federated States of) 324
Monaco ^28
Montenegro -
Namibia 340
Nauru 342
Nepal 344
Netherlands 346
New Zealand — 348
Nicaragua 350
Niger 352
Nigeria 354
Niue 356
Norway .'. 358
Oman.... 360
P^stan 362
P^lau 364
Panama...,. 366
Papua Ne]i^ Guinea 368
Paraguay 370
Peru 372
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs/Population Division
World Population Policies 2009
Philippines ;
Poland -
^ ^ , 378
Republic of Korea
„ . 384
Russian Federation
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia *
Saii^t Vincent andthe Grenadines
San Marino -
Sao Tome and Principe
Saudi Arabia -
Serbia 406
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
Sri Lanka
Syrian Arab Republic
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 444
Timor-Leste 446
Togo^ 448
Tonga 450
Trinidad and Tobago 452
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