Human development report 2013/

Human development report 2013/ UNDP - New Delhi: Academic foundation, 2013. - 202

Chapter 1
The state of human development
Progress of nations
Social integration
Human security
Chapter 2
A more global South
Rebalancing: a more global world, a more global South
Impetus from human development
Innovation and entrepreneurship in the South
New forms of cooperation
Sustaining progress in uncertain times
Chapter 3
Drivers of development transformation
Driver 1: a proactive developmental state
Driver 2: tapping of global markets
Driver 3: determined social policy innovation
Chapter 4
Sustaining momentum
Policy priorities for developing countries
Modelling demography and education
Impact of the rate of population ageing
The need for ambitious policies
Seizing the moment
Chapter 5
Governance and partnerships for a new era
A new global view of public goods
Better representation for the South
Global civil society
Towards coherent pluralism
Responsible sovereignty
New institutions, new mechanisms
Conclusions: partners in a new era


338.9 / UND/H
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