Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012 - 2017)/

Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012 - 2017)/ Planning Commission Government of India - New Delhi: SAGE Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2013-08-31. - 1124

VOLUME I: FASTER, MORE INCLSIVE AND SUSTAINBALE GROWTHTwelfth Plan: An OverviewMacroeconomic FrameworkFinancing the PlanSustainable DevelopmentWaterLand IssuesEnvironment, Forestry and WildlifeScience & TechnologyInnovationGovernanceRegional EqualityVOLUME II: ECONOMIC SECTORSAgricultureIndustryEnergyTransportCommunicationRural DevelopmentUrban DevelopmentOther Priority SectorVOLUME III: SOCIAL SECTORSHealthEducationEmployment and Skill DevelopmentWomen's Agency and Child RightsSocial Inclusion


338.9540090512 / PLA/T
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