The Edinburgh Companion to the History of Democracy/

The Edinburgh Companion to the History of Democracy/ Isakhan,Benjamin [ed.] - UK: Edinburgh University Press, 2012. - 384

Introduction: The Complex and Contested History of Democracy
Benjamin Isakhan
Part I: Prc-Classical Democracy
1. Prehistory
Christopher Boehm
2. The Assyrians
Benjamin Isakhan
3. Ancient India
Steven Muhlberger
4. Ancient China
Victoria Tin-bor Hui
5. Israel and Phoenicia
Stephen Stockwel)
Part II: Classical Democracy
6. Early Greece
Kurt A. Raaflaub
7. /Itliens
David J. Phillips
(V. Rome
Philip Matys/ak
Part III: Medieval Democracy
V Islam
Larbi Sadiki
10. Venice
Stephen Stockwell
11. The Nordic Countries
Frode Hervik
12. The Christian Church
John P. Hittinger
Part IV: Early Modern Democracy
13. The English Parliament
Ann Lyon
14. The Levellers and Diggers
Andrew Bradstock
15. The Swiss Cantons
Thomas Lau
16. The American Revolution
Andrew Shankman
17. The French Revolution
John MarkofT
Part V: Colonialism and Democracy
18. Africa
Maxwell Owusu
19. Native Americans
Bruce E. Johansen
20. Australasia
Tim Rowse
21. Singapore
Christine Doran
Part VI: National Movements
22. 1808: South American Liberation
John I'isher
23. 1848: European Revolutions
Mike Rapport
24. 1919: . Ifter / ersailles
Conan Fischer
25. 1945: Post-Second World War Japan
Takashi Inoguchi
26. 1989: Eastern Europe
Peter M. E. Volten
Part VII: Peoples' Movements
27. Anti-Slavery
Seymour Drescher
28. Women's SuJJrage
Patricia Grimshaw and Charles Sowerwine
29. Socialism, Communism, Anarchism
Barry Hindess
30. Civil Rights
Michael L. Ondaatje
Part VIII: Democracy Today
31. South Africa
Roger Southall
32. Bolivia
Juan Manuel Arbona and Carmen Medeiros
33. Georgia
Lincoln A. Mitchell
34. Iraq
Benjamin Isakhan
35. Burma
Donald M. Seekins
36. China since Tiananmen Square
Baogang He
37. Islam since 9/11
Nader Hashemi
Part IX: Futures and Possibilities
38. Democracy Promotion
Christopher Hobson
39. Transnational Democracy
James Anderson
40. Diifltdl Dcniocnuy
]:Jrian J.oacler
41. Radicul Democracy
Lincoln Dahlberg
42. Dchberalive Democracy
Kaspcr M. Hansen and (Christian F. Roslboll
43. New Tliiid'iiiy
John Keane
Conclusion: The Future History of Democracy
Stephen Stockvvell


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