Recent trends in horticultural biotechnology/

Recent trends in horticultural biotechnology/ edited by R. Keshav Chandran...[et al] - New Delhi: NIPA, 2007. - 478p.

1. Molecular Markers in Crop Improvement
Current Applications and Future Prospects
T. Mohapatra ' 1
2. DNA Marker Technology)' in the Improvement of
Horticultural Crops
Lalitha Anand 11
3. Gene prospecting from Mangroves and Genetic engineering
of Mangrove genes to Crop plants to Enhance Salinity Tolerance
S.R.Praslianth, Preeti A. Mehta and Ajay Parida 31
4. Genes for Bio tic stress Management in Plants
V. Udayasooriyan 35
5. Chloroplast Mediated Genetic Transformation in
Horticultural Crops
K.C. Ban sal 45
6. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and their Role in Horticulture
D. ]. Bhagyaraj 53
7. Exploitation of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR)
in Horticultural Crops
R. Samiyappan, S. Harish, R. Radja Connare and D. Saravanakumar 59
8. High Tech Propagation of Horticultural Crops
- Accent on Recalcitrance
V.A. Parthasarathy 85
9. Solid Waste Management
P. Kiitti Narayanan 93
SESSION I: Tissue Culture Research in Horticultural Crops
- New Perspectives
10. Somatic Embryogenesis in Mango {Mangifera indica L.) Varieties
K. Rajmolian, G.R. Sulekha, CP. Biudii, P. Ramesh
S. Satheesh Kiiveri and S. Sinila 97
11. Covert Bacterial Association With In Vitro Cultures
of Horticulture Crops
Piotis TErms and Bindu Panicker 103
12. Endosperm Culture in Hevea brasiliensis
K. Rekha, R. Jayashree, S. SusJiamakuniari, S. Sankarianinial
and A.Thulaseedharan 111
13. Repetitive Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant
Regeneration in Garcinia indica Choiss
S.R. Deodhar, S. V. BHosle, S.K. Rawal and S.R. Telangana 117
14. In Vitro Micropropagation of Acid Lime (Citrus aurantifolia S)
var. Sai-Sharbati
A.B. Kanible, T.A. More, A.R. Karate and S.C. Patil ^ 123
15. An Electrofusion-mediated Improved Method for Donor-recipient
Somatic hybridization in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Debabrata Sarkar, L ScJiilde-Rentsclder, B. Ldfjelliardt-Riiop
and H. Ninnemann 129
16. In Vitro Culture and Biochemical Analysis of Jasminum sp.
K.Siiseela Gomathi, SSanibandarniirtJnj, S.Sadasivnm
N.M.Ramasaniy and K.Rajmohan 149
17. Biotech Production Unit for Spices: A Venture of Spices Board
Kudumbashree and Dept. of Biotechnology
Rao. Y. S., Mary Mattmv. K., Pradip Kumar. K.
Lakhsmanan R. and ]. Thomas 155
18. Performance Evaluation of Tissue Culture vis-a-vis
Open Pollinated Seedlings of Cardamom
K.M.Ktinivilla, K.J. Madhnsoodanan, M.R.Siidharslian
P.hJatarajan and J.Thomas 163
19. Induction of Variability in Vanilla through In Vitro Techniques
Lovis Susan Kuriakose, Grace Tin Bin and P.A. Nazeem 171
20. Micropropagation of Banana var. 'Meitei Hei' Through
Shoot Tip Culture.
W.I. Meitei, Rajkiimar Kishor, L Robert, and H. Jayalaxmi Devi 179
21. On Farm Evaluation of Tissue Culture Vanilla Plants vis-a-vis
Vegetative Cuttings
K.j. Madhiisoodnunu, K.M. Kunivilla, B.A.Vndiraj
V.V. Radhnkrislman mid j.Thomns 183
22. An Efficient Regeneration Protocol for
Tomato {Lycopersicon escidentiim L.) a>. PKMl
P. Knlninrnsnn, S. Manitlmsnlam, M. Sivakumar,
D. Sudlmknr and P. Bnlnsiibrmimnian 191
23. Studies on Micropropagation in Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.)
R. R. Cliniigule, T. A. More, A. B. Kamble and A. R. Knrale 195
24. Ovular Callus Culture Studies in Carica papaya L.
P.S.KavitJia, N.CItezhiyan and V.Paninialar 201
25. An Efficient Regeneration Protocol for
Brinjal (Solaniim rnelongena L.) cv. Co2
P. Kalaiarasan Plian Dink Pluip, M. Sivakumar
D. Sudhakar and P. Balasnbramanian 211
26. Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from
Immature Embryos of Papaya (Carica papaya L.), C07
R. Anandan, PranatJii Sibi, Phan Dink Phap
K. Sooriyanadhasiindaram, N. Kumar D. Sudhakar
and P. Balasnbramanian 217
27. In Vitro Regeneration of Hevea brasiliensis from Leaf Explants
R.G. Kala, P. Kiimari Jayasree, S. Sushamaktimari, S, Sobha
R. Jayasliree, K. RekJia and A.TJiulaseedharan 223
28. Plantlet Regeneration In Vitro Through Indirect
Organogenesis in Ginger (Zingiber ofpcinale Rose.)
Resmi Paul, M.R. Shylaja, P.A. Nazeem, PA. Valsala
and E.V. Nybe 229
29. Callus Culture and Somatic Embryogenesis Studies
in Citrus aurantifolia Swingle
A.B. Kamble, TA. More, A.R. Knrale and S.C. Patil 233
30. Micropropagation of Emblica officinalis Gaertn.
Through Callus Culture
A.R. Karale, ]. H. Kadam, A. B. Kamble
D. P. Kaledhonkar, K. G. Shinde and M. T. Patil 239
31. Effect of Various Modifications of MS Medium on
Shoot Induction and Proliferation of Peach
Anshu Sharma, S.K. Bhatia, Neelam R. Yadav and Siineel Sharrna 245
32. An improved Protocol for the hi Vitro Propagation of
a Medicinally Important Plant, Bacofui nioniiicn (Linn).
S. Sndhceshnn Kumnri, S. Uim Mnhcswnri, K. Rajmohan
and Swnpna Alex 249
33. In Vitro Shoot Regeneration in Eagle Wood - Aqiiilnria ngnllocJm Roxb.
PA. Nnzeeni, P.S. Sinilim, lini Tlionins and K. Rntlnj 253
34. In Vitro Multiplication of Trichosnnthcs ciiciinierina
MAsha Snnknr, K.K.Snjitiia, Alice Kiinan, K.K.Bahmitli
Lissannna Joseph and E.V.Nybc 259
35. Rapid Clonal Propagation of Vitex trifolia
LV. Hiregoiidar, j.G. BImt, A. Nayeeni B.P. Henin, H.N. Murthy 265
36. In Vitro Multiplication of Indian Maddar (Riihia cordifolia Linn.)
Alice Kiirimi, Salnmth, K.K., Vijini, K. P., Lissninm Joseph
Asha Snnknr, M., and Nybe, E.V. 273
37. In Vitro studies in Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban.
V. Panimalar, E. Vadivelu and P.S. Kavitha 277
38. Direct Organogenesis of Plumbago rosea (Linn.)
S.S. Preetlia, S. Anita, K. Rajmohan, and K.B. Soni. 287
39. In Vitro Shoot Regeneration in Ipomoea mauritiana (Linn.)
L. Priya, S. Anita, K. Rajmohan and Swapna Alex 291
40. In Vitro Propagation of Smilax zeylanica L.
S. Sadheeshna Kumari, K. Rajmohan, and Snmpna Alex 295
41. High Frequency Shoot Regeneration in Aloe vera
Using BAP and TDZ Combinations of Growth Regulators
Vandana Saroha, R.C. Yadav and Neelam R. Yadav 299
42. In Vitro Clonal Propagation of Lasoda {Cordia myxa Roxb.)
An Arid Fruit Tree
Dhurendra Singh, D.G. Dhandar and A. K. Shukla
43. Rapid Propagation of Clitoria ternatea L. Through
Somatic Embryogenesis from Leaves
Deepa S. Nair and B.R.R.Reghunath
44. Clonal Propagation of a Dendrobium hybrid Orchid
(D. nobile L. x D. chrysotoxum L.) Using Pseudobulb Segment
Rajkumar Kishor; W. I. Meitei and G.J. Sharma 315
45. Influence of Sucrose and Triazole on The Ex Vitro Establishment
of Micropropagated Dciidrohimu Sp.
Samasya K.S.
46. High Frequency Mericloning from Shake Cultures of
Tropical Orchid Dendrobium cu. Sonia
K.S.SJnjInrnj, R. Deepthy and Preeta Liz KoraJi 327
47. Micropropagation of the Aquarium Plant - Parrot
Feather Milfoil - MyriopJiylliiin aquatiaim (Velloso) Yerdcourt
P.S.Smitha, P.A.Nazeem, Thressinmma lames, M.V. Mohan
and P.M.Sherif
48. Multiple Shoot Regeneration from the Cotyledonary
Nodes of Leucaena leucocephala
N.M. Shaik, M. Arha, S. K. Gupta, S. Srivastava, A. K. Yadav,
P. Kulkarni, O. U. Abhilash, B.M. Khan and S. K. Rawal 337
49. Enhanced Production of Plantlets Through Tissue Culture
Jansi Rani G, Benjamin Steinitz, Avi Lalazar 341
50. Comparative Evaluation of Tissue Culture Derived Black Pepper
Plants with Conventional Propagules
K. Rathy, P.J. Jini, K.V. Shaju, P.K. Rajesh, P.K. Sreekumar
A. Maji and PA. Nazeem
51. In Vitro Callus Culture and Plant Regeneration in
Lycopersicon esculentum Mill and L. pimpinellifolium
S. Nirmala Devi, Biju Daniel, P.A. Nazeem, Sally K. Mathew
and T.R.Gopalakrishnan
52. Exploitation of Somaclonal Variation in Breeding for
Resistance to Tomato Leaf Curl Virus Disease in
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
S. Nirmala Devi, Biju Daniel, Sally K. Mathew, PA. Nazeem
and T.R.Gopalakrishnan
53. Shoot Bud Differentiation from Megagametophyte Cultures
of Cycas circinalis L. - An Endangered Ornamental Plant
V. /. Dominic and Joy P. Joseph
54. Influence of Season of explant Collection on Induction of
Multiple Shoots from Axillary buds of the Tamarind
S. M. Mahale, A.R. Karale, S. C. Patil, J. H. Kadam
A. B. Kamble, D. B. Kshirsagar and U. T. Desai 365
55. Micrografting in Wood Apple
/. H. Kadam, A.R. Karale, B. V. Garad and U. T. Desai 371

56. Effect of Gamma Irradiation on In Vitro Rooting of Micro
Shoots of Rose cik Folklore
D. Wilson ami N.K. Ninr 375
57. Waxing Aids Establishment Stem Node Explants of Rose cv.
Crimson Glory
K. P. Pant, Vandana A. Kumar and H. Mniinja 379
58. Establishment of Callus Cultures from Isolated Microspores of
Hevea brasiliensis
R .Inynsliree, K. RekJin, S. Suslinmnkiimnri and A. Thulaseedharan 385
59. Comparative Study of Protoplast Isolation in Piper nigrum L.
and Piper collibrina Link.
Resmi Paul, P.C.Rajendran and Lisamma joseph 391
60. In Vitro Production of L DOPA from Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.
C Kavita and E. Vadivel 395
61. Enhancement of the Production of Camptothecin
An Antineoplastic Therapeutic Agent from OphiorrHiza mungos
Through Elicitation and Permeabilization Techniques
Jalta K.G. Jelly. L and Padikkala J 403
62. Exploitation of In Vitro Cultures of Tinospora cordifolia Miers
(Chittamruthu) for Berberine Production
M. Kalimutiiii, M. Aslta Sankar, A. Augustin
R. Keshav Chandran and E.V.Nybe 409
63. Tissue Culture Methods for the In Vitro Conservation of
Germplasm of Cassava, Sweet Potato and Yams
M.Unnikrishnan, M.N.Sheela,S.Edison, T.Sreeja
V.R.Sreereklia and V.Asha 415
64. Micropropagation Supports Heterosis Breeding in
Turmeric {Curcuma longa val.)
Vijayasree, P.S and Valsala, P.A 421
65. Plant Regeneration from Mesophyll Protoplast of
Dendrobium var. Sonia
Shyani S. Kurup, Siiaji John, K.R. Rejimol and Jisha C. Mathezv 425
66. In Vitro propagation of Dendrobium var. Betty Ho
ITirough Shoot tip Culture
Shyam S. Kurup, Shaji John, K.R. Rejimol and Jisha C. Mathew 429
67. In Vitro Rooting Ability of in vitro Raised Shoots of
Cocoa {Theobromine cncno L.)
M.R Bindu and V.K. Mnllika 433
68. In Vitro Multiplication of Rare and Endangered Medicinal Plants
R. KesJ calamandrana, M.K. Smitim, Sophin John, B.J. Secnn
Rnkliee Vijmjarnglinvnn and P. Dahlia 435
69. In Vitro Conservation of Endangered Medicinal Plants
R. Keshav Chandra, M.K. Sunitha and Raakhee Vijayaraghavan 439
70. Rapid Multiplication of Cashew Through in vitro Methods
R. Keshav Chandran and V.S. Riji 443
71. Standardization of in vitro Micrografting Techniques in Cashew
R. Keshav Chandran and P.S. Riji 447
72. Optimisation of Media Components for Seed Development
in Turmeric after in vitro Pollination
D.Renjith and P.A Valsala 45I
73. Field Evaluation of Tissue Cultured (TC) Plants Against
Open Pollinated (OP) Seedlings of Large Cardamom
(Amomum subulatnm roxb.) selections
U. Gupta, A.K.Biswas, J. Thomas and K.J. Madhusoodanan 457
74. Effect of Cytokinins on Mature and Seedling Nodal Explants
and on Intact Seedlings of Tamarind
Urtnil J. Mchta and Sidekha Hazra 453
75. In Vitro Regeneration and Field Establishment of Introduced
Musa Germplasm
Rerun Menon, K.V. Babu, R. Keshavachandran, P.A. Nazeeni
K. Anita Cherian and A. Siima 47^
76. Plant Regeneration from Ginger Embryogenic Callus
Effects of 2,4-dichLorophenoxyacetic acid and benzyladenine
Suma, B. and Keshav Chandran, R. 475
Colour Plate Section


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