Cognitive science: an introduction to the study of mind

Cognitive science: an introduction to the study of mind Friedenberg, Jay - Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications, 2006. - xxiii, 531 p

1. Introduction: Exploring Inner Space
A Brave New World
What Is Cognitive Science?
Digital Representations
Analog Representations
The Dual-Coding Hypothesis
Propositional Representations
The Tri-Level Hypothesis
The Classical and Connectionist Views of Computation
The Interdisciplinary Perspective
The Philosophical Approach
The Psychological Approach
The Cognitive Approach
The Neuroscience Approach
The Network Approach
The Evolutionary Approach
The Linguistic Approach
The Artificial Intelligence Approach
The Robotics Approach
In Depth: Categories of Mental Representation
Minds On Exercise: Analogical Reasoning
2. The Philosophical Approach: Enduring Questions
What Is Philosophy?
The Mind-Body Problem
Flavors of Monism
Flavors of Dualism
Evaluating the Dualist Perspective
Evaluating the Functionalist Perspective
The Free Will-Determinism Debate
The Issue of Determinism
The Issue of Free Will
Evaluating the Free Will-Determinism Debate
The Knowledge Acquisition Problem
Evaluating the Knowledge Acquistion Debate
The Mystery of Consciousness
The What-lt's-Like Argument
Mind as an Emergent Property
Evaluating the Emergent View of Mind
Consciousness and Neuroscience
Consciousness and Artificial Intelligence
Overall Evaluation of the Philosophical Approach
In Depth: Dennett's Multiple Drafts Theory of Consciousness
Minds On Exercise; Decision Making
3. The Psychological Approach: A Profusion of Theories
What Is Psychology?
Psychology and the Scientific Method
Mental Atoms, Mental Molecules, and a Periodic
Table of the Mind: The Voluntarist Movement
Evaluating the Voluntarist Approach
Structuralism: What the Mind Is
Evaluating the Structuralist Approach
Functionalism: What the Mind Does
Evaluating the Functionalist Approach
The Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts:
Mental Physics and the Gestalt Movement
Evaluating the Gestalt Approach
Mini-Minds: Mechanism and Psychoanalytic Psychology
Evaluating the Psychoanalytic Approach
Mind as a Black Box: The Behaviorist Approach
Evaluating the Behaviorist Approach
Overall Evaluation of the Psychological Approach
In Depth: Insight Learning
Minds On Exercise: Introspection
4. The Cognitive Approach I: History, Vision, and Attention
Some History First: The Rise of Cognitive Psychology
The Cognitive Approach: Mind as an Information Processor
Modularity of Mind
Evaluating the Modular Approach
Theories of Vision and Pattern Recognition
Template Matching Theory
Evaluating Template Matching Theory
Feature Detection Theory
Evaluating Feature Detection Theory
A Computational Theory of Vision
Evaluating the Computational Theory
of Pattern Recognition
Feature Integration Theory
Evaluating Feature Integration Theory
Theories of Attention
Broadbent's Filter Model
Evaluating the Filter Model
Treisman's Attenuation Model
The Deutsch-Norman Memory Selection Model
The Multimode Model of Attention
Kahneman's Capacity Model of Attention
Evaluating the Capacity Model of Attention
Evaluating the Model-Building Approach
In Depth: Biederman's Recognition-by-Components
Theory of Pattern Recognition
Minds On Exercise: Silhouettes and Object Constancy
5. The Cognitive Approach II:
Memory, Imagery, and Problem Solving
Types of Memory
Sensory Memory
Working Memory
Long-Term Memory
Memory Models
The Modal Model
Evaluating the Modal Model
The ACT==- Model
Evaluating the ACT"^ Model
The Working Memory Model
Evaluating the Working Memory Model
Visual Imagery
The Kosslyn and Schwartz Theory
of Visual Imagery
Image Structures
Image Processes
Evaluating the Kosslyn and Schwartz Theory
The Imagery Debate
Problem Solving
The General Problem Solver Model
Evaluating the General Problem Solver Model
The SOAR Model
Evaluating the SOAR Model
Overall Evaluation of the Cognitive Approach
In Depth: Search in Working Memory
Minds On Exercise: Memory Effects
6. The Neuroscience Approach: Mind As Brain
The Neuroscience Perspective
Methodology in Neuroscience
Techniques for the Study of Brain Damage
Evaluating Techniques for the Study
of Brain Damage
Brain Recording Techniques
Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT)
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
The Electrical Stimulation Technique
The Small Picture: Neuron Anatomy and Physiology
The Big Picture: Brain Anatomy
Directions in the Nervous System
The Cortex
The Split Brain
The Neuroscience of Visual Object Recognition
Visual Agnosias
Apperceptive Agnosia
Associative Agnosia
Face Perception
The Neuroscience of Attention
Models of Attention
A Component Process Model
Distributed Network Models
The Neuroscience of Memory
Learning and Memory
The Hippocampal System
Models of Hippocampal Function
Neural Substrates of Working Memory
Evaluating the Neuroscience of Working Memory
Neural Substrates of Long-Term Memories
The Neuroscience of Executive Function and Problem Solving
Theories of Executive Eunction
Overall Evaluation of the Neuroscience Approach
In Depth: Binding and Neural Synchrony
Minds On Exercise: Neural Functions
7. Outline: The Network Approach: Mind as a Web
The Network Perspective
Principles Underlying Artificial Neural Networks
Characteristics of Artificial Neural Networks
Early Conceptions of Neural Networks
Back Propagation and Convergent Dynamics
Artificial Neural Network Typologies
Evaluating the Connectionist Approach
Problems and Disadvantages
Semantic Networks: Meaning in the Web
Characteristics of Semantic Networks
A Hierarchical Semantic Network
Evaluating the Hierarchical Model
Propositional Semantic Networks
Evaluating Semantic Networks
Overall Evaluation of the Network Approach
In Depth: NETtalk
Minds On Exercise: Free Association
8. The Evolutionary Approach: Change Over Time
The Evolutionary View
Evolutionary Psychology
A Little Background: Selection
Evolved Psychologicai Mechanisms
Evolution and Cognitive Processes
Logical Reasoning
Judgment Under Uncertainty
Sex Differences in Cognition
Evolutionary Computing
Artificial Life
Neural Darwinism
Evaluating Evolutionary Psychology
Overall Evaluation of the Evolutionary Approach
In Depth: A Stage Theory of Evolution
Minds On Exercise: Memory for Object Location
The Linguistic Approach: Language and Cognitive Science
The Linguistic Approach: The Importance of Language
The Nature of Language
Language Use in Primates
Evaluating Language Use in Primates
Language Acquisition
Evaluating Language Acquisition
Language Deprivation
Evaluating Language Deprivation
Philosophy and Linguistics: The Linguistic
Relativity Hypothesis
Evaluating the Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis
Cognition and Linguistics: The Role of Grammar
Evaluating Universal Grammar
Neuroscience and Linguistics:
The Wernicke-Geschwind Model
Evaluating the Wernicke-Geschwind Model
Artificial Intelligence and Linguistics:
Natural Language Processing
Speech Recognition
Syntactic Analysis
Semantic Analysis
Pragmatic Analysis
Evaluation of Natural Language Processing
Overall Evaluation of the Linguistic Approach
In Depth: The Logogen Model of Word Recognition
Modern Conceptions of the Lexicon
Minds On Exercise: Conversational Pragmatics
10. Artificial Intelligence I: Definitional Perspective
Historical and Philosophical Roots
The Quest for "Mechanical Life"
Philosophical Origins—Man as a Machine
Evaluating Descartes' Approach
Mechanical Computation
Defining Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Evaluating the Concept of AI
Strong AI
Applied AI
Cognitive Simulation and Natural
Language Communication
AI Methodologies
The Computer as the Tool of AI Research
Evaluation of the Computer as a Model
of Brain Organization
Evaluation of Programming Languages
Alan Turing and the Great Debate
Evaluation of the Turing Test (TT) and
Turing's Detractors
Battle Lines: The Future of the TT
The TT as an Operational Definition of AI
The TT and Behaviorism
Is the TT Too Easy or Too Difficult?
Overall Evaluation of the AI Concept:
Summarizing the Meaning of AI
In Depth: Behaviorism and Ned Block
Evaluating the Block Approach
Minds On Exercise: Play the IG Game
11. Artificial Intelligence II: Operational Perspective
The Practical World of Artificial Intelligence
Goals of Practical Machines
Approaches to the Design of Intelligent Agents
Machine Intelligence, Knowledge,
and Machine Reasoning
Machine Representation of Knowledge
The Cyc Project
Evaluation of the Cyc Project
Objectives of Knowledge Representation
Characteristics of Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Representation Technologies
Semantic Networks
Machine Reasoning
Predicate Calculus
Logical Reasoning (Deduction, Abduction, Induction)
Drawing Inferences
Inductive Reasoning
Evaluation of Rule-Based Reasoning
Expert Systems
Expert Systems in Action
Evaluations of Expert Systems
Fuzzy Logic
Representation of Information in the Fuzzy World
Fuzzy Logic Rules
Fuzzy Advice for Decision-Making or Management
Evaluation of Fuzzy Logic Systems
Artificial Neural Nets (ANNs)
Overall Evaluation of the Operational Perspective
In Depth: The ID3 Algorithm
Minds On Exercise: Decision Making
12 Robotics: The Ultimate Intelligent Agents
Some Robotic Achievements
Evaluating Robotic Potentials
Biological and Behavioral Foundations of Robotic Paradigms
Evaluation of the Lorenz/Tinbergen Approach
Transferring Behavioral Models to Robotics
Evaluation of the Biological Basis of Robotics
Foundations of Robotic Paradigms
Evaluation of Paradigm Foundations
Robotic Paradigms
Hierarchical Paradigm
Evaluation of the Hierarchical Paradigm
The Reactive Paradigm
Evaluation of the Reactive Paradigm
The Hybrid Deliberative/Reactive Paradigm
Evaluation of Hybrid Architectures
Overall Evaluation of Robots as Ultimate Intelligent Agents
In Depth: Autonomous Robot Architecture (AuRA)
Evaluation of AuRA
Minds On Exercise: Relational Graphs
13. Conclusion: Where We Go From Here
The Benefits of Cognitive Science
Working Memory: An Example of an
Integrated Program of Study
The Philosophical Approach
The Psychological Approach
The Cognitive Approach
The Neuroscience Approach
The Network Approach
The Evolutionary Approach
The Linguistic Approach
The Artificial Intelligence Approach
The Robotics Approach
Issues in Cognitive Science
A General Issue: Lack of a Single Unified Theory
Specific Issues Facing Cognitive Science
Physical Environments
Social Environments
Individual and Cultural Differences
Enhancing Cognitive Science
Evaluating Cognitive Science Theories
The Role of Integration
Integration Across Levels of Description
Integration Across Disciplines
Integration Across Methodologies
The Future
In Depth: Multiagent Systems
jMinds On Exercise: Evaluating Theories of Mind


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