Political concepts: A reader and guide/

Political concepts: A reader and guide/ MacKenzie, Iain, ed. - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005. - 704 p.

Introduction: What are Political Concepts?; Part One: Political Principles; Introduction; (1) Justice (David Stephens, University of Nottingham); (2) Liberty (Patrick Bernhagen, University of Dublin); (3) Equality (Stephen de Wijze, University of Manchester); (4) Rights (Ruth Abbey, University of Kent at Canterbury); Part Two: Political Legitimacy; Introduction; (1) Democracy (Stephen Elstub, University of Sheffield); (2) Representation (Christian Brutsch, University of Zurich); (3) Toleration (Philip Cole, Middlesex University); (4) Multiculturalism (Paul Graham, University of Glasgow); Part Three: Governing the Political; Introduction; (1) The State (John McGovern, University of East London); (2) The Rule of Law (Sylvie Delacroix, University of Kent); (3) Civil Society (Birgit Schippers, St Mary's University College, Belfast); (4) Power (Mark Wenman, University of Essex); Part Four: Political Identities; Introduction; (1) Human Nature (Christopher Berry, University of Glasgow); (2) Community (Adrian Little, University of Melbourne); (3) The Nation (Alice Ludwig, University of Vienna); (4) Globalisation (Debbie Lisle, Queen's University, Belfast); Part Five: Structuring the Political; Introduction; (1) Ideology (Robert Porter, University of Ulster); (2) Discourse (James Martin, Goldsmiths College, London); (3) Difference (Nathan Widder, University of Exeter); (4) The Body Politic (Kieran Laird, Queen's University, Belfast); Analytical Table of Contents; Acknowledgements; Notes on Contributors; General Introduction; Part 1 Political Principles; Introduction; 1. Justice David Stevens; Readings:; John Rawls, extracts from A Theory of Justice; Robert Nozick, extracts from Anarchy, State and Utopia; G. A. Cohen, extracts from 'Where the Action Is: On the Site of Distributive Justice', Philosophy and Public Affairs; 2. Liberty Patrick Bernhagen; Readings:; Isaiah Berlin, extracts from 'Two Concepts of Liberty', Four Essays on Liberty; G. A. Cohen, extracts from 'Capitalism, Freedom and the Proletariat', D. Miller (ed), Liberty; Wendy Brown, extracts from States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity; 3. Equality Stephen de Wijze; Readings:; Kurt Vonnegut, 'Harrison Bergeron'; Gregory Vlastos, extracts from 'Justice and Equality', Richard Brandt (ed), Social Justice; John H. Schaar, extracts from 'Equality of Opportunity and Beyond', J. Chapman and R. Pennock (eds.), Equality; 4. Rights Ruth Abbey; Readings:; John Rawls, extracts from A Theory of Justice; Will Kymlicka, extracts from Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights; Richard Rorty, extracts from 'Human Rights, Rationality and Sentimentality', Stephen Shute and Susan Hurley (eds.), On Human Rights: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures: 1993; Part 2 Political Legitimacy; Introduction; 1. Democracy Stephen Elstub; Readings:; Joshua Cohen, extracts from 'Deliberation and Democratic Legitimacy', Alan Hamlin and Philip Pettit (eds.), The Good Polity: Normative Analysis of the State; Jon Elster, extracts from 'The Market and the Forum: Three Varieties of Political Theory', James Bohman and William Rehg (eds.), Deliberative Democracy; Iris Marion Young, extracts from 'Communication and the Other: Beyond Deliberative Democracy', Seyla Benhabib (ed.) Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political; 2. Representation Christian Brutsch; Readings:; Geoffrey Brennan and Alan Hamlin, extracts from 'On Political Representation', British Journal of Political Science; Paul Hirst, extracts from 'Associational Democracy', David Held (ed), Prospects for Democracy; Iris Marion Young, extracts from Inclusion and Democracy; 3. Toleration Phillip Cole; Readings:; Voltaire, extract from Philosophical Dictionary; Michael Walzer, extracts from Spheres of Justice; Joseph Raz, extracts from The Morality of Freedom; Susan Mendus, 'The Tigers of Wrath and the Horses of Instruction', John Horton (ed.) Liberalism, Multiculturalism and Toleration; 4. Multiculturalism Paul Graham; Readings:; Will Kymlicka, extracts from Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights; James Tully, extracts from Strange Multiplicity: Constitutionalism in an Age of Diversity; Jurgen Habermas, extracts from 'Struggles for Recognition in a Democratic Constitutional State', Amy Guttmann (ed), Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition; Part 3 Governing the Political;; Introduction; 1. The State John McGovern; Readings:; [to be inserted]; 2. Rule of Law Sylvie Delacroix; Readings:; Joseph Raz, extracts from The Authority of Law: Essays on Law and Morality; Ronald Dworkin, extracts from A Matter of Principle; Lon Fuller, extracts from The Morality of Law; 3. Civil Society Birgit Schippers; Readings:; Iris Marion Young, extracts from Inclusion and Democracy; Carole Pateman, extracts from The Disorder of Women: Democracy, Feminism and Political Theory; Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, extracts from Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics; 4. Power Mark Wenman; Readings:; Michel Foucault, extracts from History of Sexuality, Volume 1: An Introduction; Claude Lefort, extracts from Democracy and Political Theory; Ernesto Laclau, extracts from 'Democracy and the Question of Power', Constellations; Part 4 Political Identities; Introduction; 1. Human Nature Christopher Berry; Readings:; Clifford Geertz, extracts from The Interpretation of Cultures; Bernard Williams, extracts from Making Sense of Humanity and Other Philosophical Papers; Roger Masters, extracts from The Nature of Politics; 2. Community Adrian Little; Readings:; Michael Sandel, extracts from 'The Procedural Republic and the Unencumbered Self', Political Theory; Charles Taylor, extracts from 'Cross-Purposes: The Liberal-Communitarian Debate', Nancy Rosenblum (ed.) Liberalism and the Moral Life; Amitai Etzioni, 'The Third Way is a Triumph' New Statesman; 3. Nation Alice Ludvig; Readings:; Ernest Gellner, extracts from Nations and Nationalism; Benedict Anderson, extracts from Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism (Revised Edition); Roger Brubaker and Frederick Cooper, extracts from 'Beyond Identity', Theory and Society: Renewal and Critique in Social Theory; Craig Calhoun, extracts from Nationalism; 4. Globalization Debbie Lisle; Readings:; Anthony Giddens, 'Globalisation', Lecture 1 of the 1999 BBC Reith Lectures; Doreen Massey, extracts from Space, Place and Gender; Jan Aarte Scholte, extracts from Globalization: A Critical Introduction; Part 5 Structuring the Political; Introduction; 1. Ideology Robert Porter; Readings:; Jurgen Habermas, extracts from The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity; Slavoj Zizek, extracts from 'Introduction', Slavoj Zizek (ed), Mapping Ideology; Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, extracts from Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia; 2. Discourse James Martin; Readings:; Michael J. Shapiro, extracts from 'Metaphor in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences', Culture and Critique; Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, extracts from Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics; Gearoid O' Tuathail and John Agnew, extracts from 'Geopolitics and discourse: Practical geopolitical reasoning in American foreign policy', Political Geography; 3. Difference Nathan Widder; Readings:; Ernesto Laclau, extract from Emancipation(s); William E. Connolly, extracts from Identity/Difference: Democratic Negotiations of Political Paradox; 4. The Body Politic Kieran Laird; Readings:; Judith Butler, extract from Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity; Michel Foucault, extracts from Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison; Vivian Sobchack, extract from 'Beating the Meat/Surviving the Text, or How to Get Out of This Century Alive', Mike Featherstone and Roger Burrows (ed), Cyberspace/Cyberbodies/Cyberpunk: Cultures of Technological Embodiment.


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