Political Leadership/

Political Leadership/ edited by David S. Bell - Los Angels: SAGE, 2011. - 335p.

Modem Theory
37. Liberalism and Leadership: Lockean Roots 3
David R. Weaver
Personality ofPolitical Leaders
38. The Fiery Chariot: British Prime Ministers and the Search for Love 25
Hugh Berrington
39. When Power Changes Hands:The Political Psychology
of Leadership Succession in Democracies 33
Fredrik Bynander and Paul't Hart
40. Assessing Presidential Character
Alexander L George
41. Barber's Typological Analysis of Political Leaders 121
42. Can Personality and Politics Be Studied Systematically? 191
Fred I. Greenstein
43. The Impact of personality on Politics: An Attempt to Clear Away
Fred /. Greenstein
44. Family Experience and Political Leadership:An Examination
of the Absent Father Hypothesis 237
Micheline V Guiton and Elizabeth W Marvin
45. The Outsider as Political Leader:The Case of MargaretThatcher 247
Anthony King
46. The Leadership ofPragmatism Reconsidering Franklin
in the Age ofCharisma
MichaelD.Mumford and Judy R.Van Doom
47. Personality and Political Leadership 303
Robert C.Tucker
48. The Georges'Wilson Reexamined: An Essay on Psychobiography 315
Robert C.Ticker
Questions ofEquality
49. Why Men Rule:A Theory of Male Dominance 339
Steven Goldberg Contents
50. Beyond Hillaiy and Benazir: Women's Political Leadership Worldwide 375
Farida Jalalzai and Mona Lena Krook
51. Book Review:Sex in the Social Order{The Inevitability of patriarchy)
by Steven Goldberg(Morrow,New York,1973.256 pp.$6.95.) 395
Eleanor E.Maccoby


320 / BEL/P
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