The Domestic Economy of the Soul/

The Domestic Economy of the Soul/ Freud's Five Case Studies O'Neill,John - Los angels: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2010-12-29. - 240

Introduction: The Domestic Economy of the Soul Love Stories The Body-Soul of Psycho analysis Freud's Baby: Little Hans (1909) Putting the Cart Before the Horse Opening the Dora Case (1905 [1901]) Dora's Dreams Portraits of Dora Dora's Sistine Madonna Rat Man's Lady (1909) A Case of Blindness and (In) Sight Chorisis versus Cartography Catching the Rat Man's Train of Thought Rat Man's (Mis) Marriage Wolf Man's Wake (1918 [1914]) Supplement and Rectification Wolf Man's Cryptology Schreber's Blessed Assumption (1911 [1910]) Schreber's Unmanning / Gynesis Schreber's Swan Song Concluding Postscript: The Debts of Psychoanalysis


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