International Economics/

Eicher,Theo S

International Economics/ Theo S. Eicher, John H. Mutti, and Michelle H. Turnovsky. - 7 th ed. - Routledge, 2009-03-29. - 784 p. ill 26 cm.

An Introduction: Life in an International Economy Part 1: International Trade and Trade Policy 2. Why Do Nations Trade? Some Early Answers 3. Why Do Nations Trade? Some Later Answers 4. Trade and the Role of Factor Endowments 5. Scale, Competition and Trade 6. The Theory of Protection Tariffs and Other Barriers to Trade 7. Arguments for Protection and the Political Economy of Trade Policy 8. International Mobility of Labor and Capital 9. Regional Blocs: Preferential Trade Liberalization 10. Commercial Policy and the WTO 11. Trade and Growth Part 2: International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics 12. The Balance of Payments and the Exchange Rate 13. Fundamentals of Exchange Rate Systems 14. An Introduction to Modeling the Open Economy 15. Extensions of the Basic Open Economy Model: Policy Effectiveness and the Large Open Economy 16. International Capital Markets 17. Modelling International Capital Markets 18. Policy Under Fixed Exchange Rates 19. Policy under Flexible Exchange Rates and Extensions of the Mundell-Fleming Model 20. Perfectly Flexible Prices and Exchange Rate Dynamics 21. The International Monetary System: A Brief History 22. European Monetary Integration 23. International Financial Crises.


International economic relations.

337 / ECH/I
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