The beginnings of christian theology in Arabic/

The beginnings of christian theology in Arabic/ muslim -christian encounters in the early islamic period Griffith,Sidney H. - England: Ashgate publishing, 2002. - 327

I Comparative Religion in the Apologetics
of the First Christian Arabic Theologians
Proceedings of the PMR Conference 4.
Villanova, PA, 1979
II Habib ibn Hidmah Abu Rat'itah, a Christian mutakallim
of the First Abbasid Century
Oriens Christianus 64. Wiesbaden, 1980
III 'Ammar al-Basri's Kitab al-Burhan: Christian
Kalant in the First Abbasid Century
Le Museon 96. Louvain, 1983
IV The Apologetic Treatise of Nonnus of Nisibis
ARAM 3. Oxford, 1991
V Disputes with Muslims in Syriac Christian
Texts; From Patriarch John (d. 648) to Bar
Hebraeus (d. 1286)
Religionsgesprdche im Mittelalter, ed. Bernard Lewis
and Friedrich Niewohner, Wolfenbiitteler Mittelalter-
Studien 4. Wiesbaden, 1992
VI Muslim and Church Councils; the Apology
of Theodore Abu Qurrah
Studia Patristica 25. Louvain, 1993
VII Muhammad and the Monk Bahira: Reflections on
a Syriac and Arabic Text from Early Abbasid Times
Oriens Christianus 79. Wiesbaden, 1995


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