Key concepts in governance/

Bevir, Mark

Key concepts in governance/ Mark Bevir, - New Delhi: Sage publications, 2009. - 218 p.

Part I What is Governance? 1 --
Part II The Concepts 31 --
Accountability 33 --
Bureaucracy 37 --
Capacity 41 --
Centre-local relations 44 --
Collaborative governance 47 --
Collective action problem 50 --
Communitarianism 53 --
Coordination 56 --
Corporatism 60 --
Decentralization 64 --
Dialogic policy-making 67 --
Differentiated polity 71 --
Enabling state 74 --
Environmental governance 78 --
Evidence-based policy 82 --
Global governance 85 --
Globalization 89 --
Good governance 92 --
Governance Indicators 96 --
Hierarchy 100 --
Implementation103 --
Incrementalism 106 --
Institutionalism 110 --
Interdependence 114 --
Local governance 117 --
Managing networks 121 --
Market 124 --
Marketization127 --
Metagovernance 131 --
Multilevel governance 134 --
Network 137 --
New Public Management 141 --
Participatory democracy 145 --
Pluralism 149 --
Policy cycle 152 --
Policy network 156 --
Public-private partnerships 160 --
Rational choice theory 163 --
Regionalism 167 --
Regulation 171 --
Regulation theory 175 --
Representative democracy 179 --
Rule of law 182 --
Social capital 186 --
Social constructivism 189 --
Social inclusion 193 --
Sovereignty 196 --
State 199 --
Systems theory 202 --
Transnationalism 206.


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