Cell biology/

Karp, Gerald

Cell biology/ Gerald Karp. - 6th ed. - New Jersey: Wiley, john wiley & sons, inc., 2010. - xviii, 765p. : ill. ; 28 cm.

1 Introduction to the Study of Cell and Molecular Biology -- 2 The Structure and Functions of Biological Molecules-- 3 Bioenergetics, Enzymes, and Metabolism. -- 4 Genes, Chromosomes, and Genomes-- 5 The Path to Gene Expression-- 6 Controlling Gene Expression-- 7 Replicating and Repairing DNA-- 8 Cellular Membrane-- 9 Mitochondrial Structure and Function-- 10 Chloroplast Structure and Function-- 11 The Extracellular Matrix and Cell Interactions-- 12 Cellular Organelles and Membrane Trafficking-- 13 The Cytoskeleton-- 14 Cell Division-- 15 Cell Signaling Pathways-- 16 Cancer-- 17 Immunity-- 18 Methods in Cell Biology


Cell biology; Biological sciences.
Cell Biology

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