Networks for computer scientists and engineers/


Networks for computer scientists and engineers/ Youlu Zheng, Shakil Akhtar - New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. - 575p. ill. 24 cm.

Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1: Evolution of Data Communications and Networks
1.1.1: Recent Changes in Telecommunications
1.1.2: The Progress and Future of Telecommunications
1.1.3: Present Solutions
1.2: Telephone System and Computer Telephony
1.2.1: Telephone and Call Progress
1.2.2: Telephone Network
1.2.3: Telephone Numbering
1.3: Computer Telephony
1.3.1: Computer Telephony
1.3.2: Internet Telephony
1.3.3: Unified Messaging
1.4: Distributed Systems and Client-Server Model
1.4.1: Centralized Computing vs. Distributed and Client-Server Systems
1.4.2: Three-Tiered Client-Server Systems
1.4.3: Web-Based Application Server and Electronic Commerce
1.5: Protocols and Standardization
1.5.1: Protocol Syntax and Semantics
1.5.2: National and International Standards
1.5.3: Telecommunication Standards and Organizations
1.5.4: Networks Standards and Organizations
1.6: Chapter Summary
1.7: References

Chapter 2. Data Communications
2.1: Advantages of Digital Communications
2.2: Transmission Media
2.2.1: Shielded and Unshielded Twisted Pair (STP and UTP) Wiring
2.2.2: Coaxial Cable
2.2.3: Optical Fiber
2.2.4: Radio and Microwave
2.2.5: Satellite Communications
2.3: Fundamentals of Digital Transmission
2.3.1: Frequency Spectrum, Bandwidth, and Data Rate
2.3.2: Shannon's Theorem
2.3.3: Sampling (Nyquist) Theorem
2.4: Digitization and Multilevel Transmission
2.4.1: Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
2.4.2: Advanced Digitization Techniques—CPCM, DPCM and ADPCM
2.5: Modulation Techniques and Modems
2.5.1: Amplitude Modulation
2.5.2: Frequency Modulation
2.5.3: Phase Modulation
2.5.4: Modem Technologies
2.6: Terminal Devices
2.6.1: Dumb and Intelligent Terminals
2.6.2: Data Terminal Equipment and Data Communications Equipment
2.7: Wireless Communication
2.7.1: Digital Cellular Telephone and Personal Communication Services (PCS)
2.7.2: Wireless Data Services
2.7.3: Geographic Position Systems (GPS) and Applications
2.8: Videoconference
2.8.1: Desktop Videoconference Systems
2.8.2: Document Conference
2.8.3: Videoconference Standards
2.9: Chapter Summary
2.10: Problems
2.11: References

Chapter 3. OSI Seveln Layer Network Model
3.1: Physical Layer
3.1.1: Data Encoding
3.1.2: Multiplexing Schemes
3.2: Data Link Layer
3.2.1: Asynchronous and Synchronous Communications
3.2.2: Error Detection and Correction
3.2.3: Framing and Flow Control
3.2.4: High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC)
3.3: Network Layer
3.3.1: Subnet Concept
3.3.2: Overview of Switching Techniques
3.3.3: Routing Strategies
3.3.4: Congestion Control
3.4: Transport Layer and Session Layer
3.5: Presentation Layer and Application Layer
3.5.1: Data Compression
3.5.2: Encryption and Decryption
3.5.3: Network Applications
3.6: Network Performance
3.6.1: Delay
3.6.2: Throughput
3.6.3: Bandwidth Utilization
3.6.4: Error Rate, Congesting, and Network Reliability
3.7: Chapter Summary
3.8: Problems
3.9: References

Chapter 4. LAN Technologies
4.1: LAN Overview
4.2: Protocols and Standards
4.2.1: IEEE Standards
4.2.2: CSMA/CD, Ethernet and IEEE 802.3
4.2.3: Token Bus and IEEE 802.4
4.2.4: Token Ring and IEEE 802.5
4.2.5: Commercial LAN Systems
4.2.6: Wireless LAN and IEEE 802.11
4.3: LAN Hardware
4.3.1: Connecting Components: Cabling, Connectors, Transceivers, Repeater and Network Interface Card
4.3.2: Workstations and Network Server
4.3.3: Network Storage Systems and Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM)
4.4: LAN Services and LAN Operating Systems
4.4.1: Network File System
4.4.2: Network Directory Services
4.4.3: Network Printing and Fax Services
4.4.4: Backup
4.4.5: LAN Operating Systems
4.5: Chapter Summary
4.6: Problems
4.7: References

Chapter 5. TCP/IP and Internet
5.1: Internet Architecture
5.1.1: Internet Addresses
5.1.2: Gateway Addressing
5.1.3: Network and Broadcast Addressing
5.1.4: Dotted Decimal Notation
5.1.5: Loopback Address
5.1.6: Weaknesses in Internet Addressing
5.1.7: Mapping of Physical and IP Addresses
5.1.8: RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)
5.2: Internet Protocol (IP) and Datagram
5.2.1: IP Datagram Format and Type of Services
5.2.2: Datagram Encapsulation and Fragmentation
5.2.3: Reassembly and Fragmentation Control
5.2.4: Other Fields
5.2.5: Error and Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
5.2.6: IPv6
5.3: Routing Protocols
5.3.1: Routing Table and Routing Mechanism
5.3.2: Subnet Routing
5.3.3: Internet Routing
5.4: User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
5.5: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
5.5.1: TCP Header and Services
5.5.2: Connection Establishment and Termination
5.5.3: Flow Control and Window Size Advertising
5.5.4: TCP Time Out and Retransmission
5.6: Internet Standard Services
5.6.1: File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
5.6.2: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and Examples
5.6.3: POP3 (Post Office Protocol)
5.6.4: Remote Login and Telnet
5.7: Domain Name System (DNS)
5.7.1: Mapping Domain Names to IP Addresses
5.7.2: DNS Message
5.7.3: Recent Advances in Internet Domain Name Hierarchy
5.8: TCP/IP for PCs
5.8.1: Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)
5.8.2: Point-to-Point (PPP)
5.8.3: Winsock
5.9: Internet Applications
5.9.1: World Wide Web (WWW)
5.9.2: Recent Developments
5.10: Chapter Summary
5.11: Problems
5.11: References

Chapter 6. Access & High Speed Networking Technologies
6.1: Integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN)
6.1.1: ISDN Signaling and Architecture
6.1.2: ISDN Protocols
6.1.3: ISDN Advantages
6.1.4: Broadband ISDN
6.2: Cable Modem System
6.3: Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Technology
6.4: Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS)
6.4.1: SMDS Features
6.4.2: SMDS Addressing and Protocols
6.5: Frame Relay
6.5.1: Protocol and Architecture
6.5.2: Implementation
6.5.3: Frame Relay Performance Analysis and Congestion Control
6.5.4: Voice over Frame Relay
6.5.5: Migration towards ATM
6.6: Fast Ethernet, 100VG-AnyLAN and Gigabit Ethernet
6.6.1: 100VG-AnyLAN
6.6.2: Fast Ethernet
6.6.3: Gigabit Ethernet
6.7: FDDI and CDDI
6.8: Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Networks
6.8.1: ATM Advantages
6.8.2: ATM Switching
6.8.3: ATM Internetworking with Frame Relay
6.8.4: IP Over ATM
6.8.5: ATM Future
6.9: SONET
6.9.1: SONET Signals and Architecture
6.9.2: SONET Layers and Frames
6.9.3: SONET Overhead
6.9.4: SONET Fault Tolerance
6.10: Chapter Summary
6.11: Problems
6.12: References

Chapter 7. Switching and Virtual LAN
7.1: Hub Technology
7.1.1: Early Hubs
7.1.2: Intelligent Hub and Its Component
7.1.3: Interconnecting LANs and Collapsed Backbone Network
7.2: Switching Technology for LAN and Internetworking
7.2.1: Switching Architectures
7.2.2: Ethernet Switch
7.2.3: Token Ring Switches
7.2.4: FDDI Switches
7.2.5: Switching Network Management
7.3: Non-ATM Virtual LANs
7.3.1: Segment-Based VLAN
7.3.2: Media Access Control (MAC)-Based VLAN
7.3.3: IP-Address Based VLAN
7.4: ATM Virtual LAN
7.4.1: ATM LAN Emulation
7.4.2: ATM Edge Routers
7.4.3: ATM Virtual Routers
7.4.4: ATM Relational Networks
7.5: Chapter Summary
7.6: Problems
7.7: References

Chapter 8. Network Performance
8.1: Why Study Network Performance?
8.2: Analytical Approaches
8.2.1: Delay Throughput Analysis
8.2.2: Probability Techniques M/M/1 Queues M/M/? Queues
8.2.4: Markov Models Discrete Time Markov Model Continuous Time Markov Model
8.2.5: Reliability Models
8.3: Simulation
8.3.1: Continuous Simulation
8.3.2: Discrete Event Simulation (DEVS)
8.3.3: Simulation Models Simulation of Token Bus Scheme Using COMNET III for Network Simulation Using OPNET Modeler for Network Simulation and Modeling
8.4: Network Traffic Monitoring
8.4.1: Windows-Based Traffic Monitoring
8.4.2: Ethernet Traffic Monitoring DOS-Based EtherVision by Triticom Windows-Based Jetlan Traffic Monitor
8.5: Chapter Summary
8.6: Problems
8.7: References

Chapter 9. Network Management
9.1: SNMP
9.1.1: Introduction
9.1.2: SNMP Model
9.1.3: Structure of Management Information
9.1.4: SNMPv2
9.1.5: SNMPv3
9.2: RMON and RMONv2
9.2.1: RMON Model
9.2.2: RMON2
9.3: TMN
9.3.1: Physical Architecture
9.3.2: Differences between TMN and OSI
9.4: Next Generation Directory Services
9.5: Web-Based Network Management
9.6: Chapter Summary
9.7: Problems
9.8: References

Chapter 10. Communication and Network Security
10.1: Cryptography
10.1.1: Secret Key Cryptography
10.1.2: Public Key Cryptography
10.1.3: The Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
10.1.4: Serial Encryption
10.1.5: Link-Level, Network-Level, and Application-Level Encryption
10.1.6: Digital Signatures, Message Digest (MD5), and Digital Certification
10.2: Kerberos
10.3: Firewalls
10.3.1: Packet Filtering Principle
10.3.2: Router-Based Packet Filtering Firewall
10.3.3: Application Gateway Firewall
10.3.4: Circuit Gateway Firewall
10.3.5: Firewall Architectures
10.4: Anti-Virus
10.4.1: Rogue Programs and Viruses
10.4.2: Hiding a Virus
10.4.3: What Do Viruses Do?
10.4.4: Virus Detection and Prevention
10.4.5: Survivor's Guide to Virus Infection
10.4.6: Anti-Virus Software
10.5: New Technologies in Network Security Applications
10.5.1: Internet Commerce and Electronic Money
10.5.2: Secure Internet Commerce and Virtual Private Network (VPN)
10.5.3: Secure Container for Electronic Publishing
10.5.4: Smartcard and Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)
10.5.5: Random One-Time Pad and No-Key Encryption
10.6: Chapter Summary
10.7: Problems
10.8: References

Chapter 11. Network Programming
11.1: Serial Port and Parallel Port Programming
11.1.1: Serial Port Programming
11.1.2: Parallel Port Programming
11.2: NetBios Programming
11.3: TCP/IP and Socket Programming
11.3.1: Interprocess Communication and Pipes
11.3.2: Creation of Sockets
11.3.4: Socket Connection between Client and Server
11.3.3: Using Internet Library and DNS
11.3.5: Blocking, Synchronization and Timing
11.3.6: Sample Client/Server Programs
11.4: Winsock Programming
11.4.1: Using Winsock
11.4.2: Example Program
11.5: RPC Programming
11.6: JAVA Programming
11.7: Chapter Summary


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