Modern theories of drama: a selection of writings on drama and theatre, 1850-1990/

Modern theories of drama: a selection of writings on drama and theatre, 1850-1990/ edited and annotated by George W. Brandt. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. - xxii, 334 p. ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. [317]-328) and index.

Part I: Introduction
The Work of Art of the Future, Richard Wagner
The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations, Georges Polti
The Law of the Drama, Ferdinand Brunetiere
The Comic in Situations, Henri Bergson
Melodrama, Eric Bentley
For a Theatre of Situations, Jean-Paul Sartre
Theatre Problems, Friedrich Durrenmatt
Theatre Without a Conscience, Howard Barker
Are There Universals of Performance in Myth, Ritual, and Drama?, Victor Turner

Part II: Varieties of Realism
The Relationship of Dramatic Art to its Age and Allied Matters, Friedrich Hebbel
Naturalism, Emile Zola
Author's Preface to `Miss Julie', August Strindberg
Against the Well-Made Play, George Bernard Shaw
`Death of a Salesman': A Modern Tragedy?, Arthur Miller

Part III: Anti-Naturalism
The Tragical in Daily Life, Maurice Maeterlinck
The Theatre, William Butler Yeats
Certain Nobel Plays of Japan, William Butler Yeats
On the Theatre: The Fairground Booth, Vsevolod Emilievich Meyerhold
The Art of the Theatre: The First Dialogue, Edward Gordon Craig
Organic Unity, Adolphe Appia
Memoranda on Masks, Eugene O'Neill
A Dramatist's Notebook, Eugene O'Neill
Author's Note to `A Dream Play', August Strindberg
On the Futility of the `Theatrical' in the Theatre, Alfred Jarry
Preface and Prologue to `The Breasts of Tiresias', Guillaume Apollinaire
Preface to Die Unsterblichen (`The Immortals'), Yvan Goll
Preface to `Methusalem, The Eternal Bourgeois', Yvan Goll
The Futurist Synthetic Theatre, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, with Emilio Settimelli and Bruno Corra
On a New Type of Play, Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz
The Theatre of Cruelty: First Manifesto, Antonin Artaud
An End to Masterpieces, Antonin Artaud
The Theatre's New Testament, Jerry Grotowski
The Holy Theatre: Happenings, Peter Brook
The London Controversy: Tynan v. Ionesco, Eugene Ionesco

Part IV: Political Theatre
Letter to a Creative Collaborator, Ernst Toller
The Programme of the Proletarian Theatre, Erwin Piscator
The Modern Theatre is the Epic Theatre, Bertolt Brecht
A Short Organum for the Theatre, Bertolt Brecht
The Material and the Models, Peter Weiss
Poetics of the Oppressed, Augusto Boal
Political Dynamics: The Feminisms, Michelene Wandor

Part V: Semiotics
Dynamics of the Sign in the Theatre, Jindrich Honzl
Semiotics of Theatrical Performance, Umberto Eco
Psychic Polyphony, Marvin Carlson
The Signs of Stage and Screen, Martin Esslin
Avant-Garde Theatre and Semiology: A Few Practices and the Theory Behind Them, Patrice Pavis

0198711409 (hb) 0198711395 (pb)

Drama--History and criticism.

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