China,Europe and Indernational Security: Interests,Roles and Prospects/

China,Europe and Indernational Security: Interests,Roles and Prospects/ edited by Paul ven der and Chu Shulong. - London: Routledge, 2011. - xii, 216p. il. 24 cm.

1. Europe's Views on China's Role in International Security May-Britt Stumbaum
2. China's Views on Europe's Role in International Security Zhang Yanbin
3. Bilateral Security Relations between China and Europe Wang Bo
4. Space and Defence Technology in European-Chinese Security Relations Nicola Casarini
5. Hegemonic Cycles and Sino-European Cooperation in Global Governance Xuan Xingzhang and Yang Xiaoping
6. US-China-Europe Security Relations: The Global Security Structure and Order in the Twenty-First Century Chu Shulong and Chen Songchuan
7. Russia-China-Europe security relations Feng Feng
8. The European Union and East Asian Security: Prepared for the Future? Gudrun Wacker
9. Cooperation and Competition on the Iran Nuclear Dispute: The Role of the European Union and China Willem van Kemenade
10. Chinese and European Engagement in UN Peace Operations Janka Oertel
11. Europe Sails East, China Sails West: Somali Piracy and Shifting Geopolitical Relations in the Indian Ocean Susanne Kamerling and Frans-Paul van der Putten Conclusion Frans-Paul van der Putten and Chu Shulong


China-Diplomatic relations
International relations

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