Goddesses in world culture/

Goddesses in world culture/ edited by Patricia Monaghan - 1st.ed. - England: Praeger, 2011. - 305p.

V. 1. Asia and Africa. Lakshmi : Hindu goddess of abundance / Constantina Rhodes --
Kali : goddess of life, death, and transcendence / June McDaniel --
Goddess Ganga : her power, mythos, and worldly challenges / Kelly D. Alley --
Village goddesses : vernacular religion in Orissa / Elinor Gadon and Rita Ray --
Mariamma : cosmic creation goddess / Judy Grahn --
Durga : invincible goddess of South Asia / Laura Amazzone --
Kumari : Nepal's eternally living goddess / Jeffrey S. Lidke --
Dakini : the goddess who takes form as a woman / Vicki Noble --
Tara : savior, Buddha, Holy Mother / Miranda Shaw --
Guanyin : goddess of embodied compassion / Betz King --
Xi Wangmu : the great goddess of China / Max Dashu --
Yama no Kami : mountain mother of Japan / Denis Saint Arnault --
Re-membering the cosmogonic goddess of Cheju : Solmundae Halmang / Hea-Kyoung Koh --
Maiden with a thousand slippers : animal helpers and the hero(ine)'s jouney / Dore Ripley --
Sekhmet, Bast, and Hathor : power, passion, and transformation through the Egyptian goddess trinity / Normandi Ellis --
Nut : Egyptian night-sky goddess / Malgorzata (Margaret) Kruszewska --
Queen of Sheba : transformation of an ancient cosmology of interconnectedness / Miri Hunter Haruach --
Goddess Auset : an ancient Egyptian spiritual framework / C. S'thembile West --
Ogbuide : the Igbo Lake goddess / Sabine Jell-Bahlsen --
Osun : Yoruba goddess in Nigeriea and the African diaspora / Diedre L. Badejo --
Iyami Osoronga : primordial mothers of Yoruba spirituality / Aina Olomo --
V. 2. Eastern Mediterranean and Europe. Nisaba of Eresh : goddess of grain, goddess of writing / Betty DeShong Meador --
Queen of heaven and earth : Inanna-Ishtar of Mesopotamia / Johanna Stuckey --
Asherah : hidden goddess of the Bible / Daniel Cohen --
Lilith : the primordial feminine / M. Kelley Hunter --
Mary Magdalene : tradition, myth, and the search for meaning / Susan Little --
Fat lady of Malta : interpreting her obesity, nudity, and sexuality / Cristina Biaggi --
Goddess Tanit and her revenants in Sicily : Demeter, Persephone, Anne, and Mary / Dolores DeLuise --
Anatolian mother : Kybele / Zubre Indirkas --
Heroine of Troy : the many faces of Helen / Judith Roche --
Gaia : dynamic, diverse, source and place of being / Glenys Livingstone --
Deer mother : Earth's nurturing epicenter of life and death / Kathryn Henderson --
Silkies : an interspecies love story in legend, song, and story / Brenda Peterson --
Swan maiden : the animal that Adam could not name / Boria Sax --
Walk with Berehinia : goddess of Ukraine and Russia / Mary B. Kelly --
Sheela na Gig : dark goddess of Europe / Star Goode --
Goddess-turned-heroine of the Celts : Queen Medb and the sovereignty of Ireland / Miriam Robbins Dexter --
Sulis (Minerva) and other "Celtic" goddesses : the native tradition in Pre-Roman Britain / Cheryl Straffon --
Rhineland deae matronae : collective female deity in Germanic Europe / Dawn E. Work-MaKinne --
Norns : representatives of fate in Old Norse tradition / Karen Bek-Pedersen --
Danu, Raetia, Marisa ; mountain goddess of the Alps / Claire French --
V. 3. Australia and the Americas. Jillinya : great mother of the Kimberley / Nunya Andrews --
Rock goddesses : Australia's first creator beings / Margaret Grove --
Native American Earth mother : from the Inuit to the Inca / Jordan Paper --
Mother and origin : female divinity in South America / Max Dashu --
Earth and the Nahuas : the goddess of Ancient Mexico / Sylvia Marcos --
Goddess androgyne : Coatlicue of the Aztecs / Lanier Graham --
Xochiquetzal : goddess of flowers and love / Patrizia Granziera --
Our Lady of Guadalupe : mother of a new race / Barbara Flaherty --
Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre : Cuba's virgin of charity / Karen DIllon --
Gran Brijit : Haitian vodou guardian of the cemetery / Kerry Noonan --
Corn mother in North America : life-bringer and culture-bearer / Dave Aftandilian --
Nookomis and Mindemoya : Grandmother Moon and the Old Woman of the mists / Ann Megiskwe Filemyr --
White Buffalo Calf Woman (Pte-san win-yan) : the first and second coming / Ariahn Matamonasa-Bennett --
Wolves and the divine feminine : European and Native American wolf mythologies / Cristina Eisenberg --
Sedna : underwater goddess of the Arctic Sea / Jacqueline Thursby --
Spider Woman : creator and destroyer / Marion W. Copland --
One and the many : the return of the goddess in contemporary American novels / Kathleen L. Nichols --
Audre Lorde's Seboulisa : muse for the death journey / Sharon L. Barnes --
Sekhmet in America : the heart of the sun / Anne Key --
Artemis as protectress of female mysteries : modern worship in teh Dianic tradition in America / Denise Saint Arnault --
American goddess : a modern apotheosis / Michael B. MacDonald --
Deae ex Machina : goddesses from a machine / Kyle Glasgow



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