Plant pathology/

Plant pathology/ edited by Sylvia Friedman - 1st - Oakville: Apple Academic Press Inc, 2010. - 304 p.

1. Host-Piant Selectivity of Rhizobacteria in a Crop/Weed Model
Simon L. Zeller, Helmut Brandt and Bemhard Schmid

2. Role of Soil, Crop Debris, and a Plant Pathogen in Salmonella
enterica Contamination of Tomato Plants
Jeri D. Barak and Anita S. Liang

3. Plants Attract Parasitic Wasps to Defend Tbemselves against
Insect Pests by Releasing Hexenol
JianingWei, LizhongWang, JunweiZhu, SufangZhang,
Owi I. Nandi and Le Kang

4. Tbe Relationship ofWitbin-Host Multiplication and
Virulence in a Plant-Virus System
Israel Pagdn, Carlos Alonso-Blanco and Fernando Garcia-Arenal

5. Plant Pathology and Managing Wildland Plant Disease
David L. Nelson

6. Autoimmunity: A Barrier to Gene Flow in Plants?
Liza Gross

7. Autoimmune Response as a Mechanism for a Dobzhansky-
Muller-Type Incompatibility Syndrome in Plants
Kirsten Bomblies, Janne Lempe, Petra Epple, Norman Warthmann,
Christa Lanz, J^ery L. Dangl and DetlefWeigel

8. Acquisition and Evolution of Plant Patbogenesis-Associated
Gene Clusters and Candidate Determinants of Tissue-
Specificity in Xantbomonas
Hong Lu, Prabhu Patil, Marie-Anne Van Sluys, Frank F. White,
Robert P. Ryan, J. Maxwell Dow, Pablo Rabinowicz,
Steven L. Salzberg, Jan E. Leach, Ramesh Sonti, Volker Brendel
and Adam J. Bogdanove

9. Regulated Nuclear Trafificking of rpLlOA Mediated by NIKl
Represents a Defense Strategy of Plant Cells against Virus
Claudine M. Carvalho, Anesia A. Santos, Silvana R. Pires,
Carolina S. Rocha, Daniela I. Saraiva, Jodo Paulo B. Machado,
Eliciane C. Mattos, Luciano G. Fietto and Elizabeth P. B. Fontes

10* Plant and Animal Pathogen Recognition Receptors: Signal
through Non-RD Kinases
Christopher Dardick and Pamela Ronald

11. Theme and Variations in the Evolutionary Pathways to
Virulence of an RNA Plant Virus Species
Agnes Pinel-Galzi, Mbolarinosy Rakotomalala, Emmanuel Sangu,
Fatogoma Sorho, Zakaria Kanyeka, Oumar Traore, Drissa Sereme,
Nils Poulicard, Yvonne Rabenantoandro, Yacouba Sere,
Gnissa Konate, Alain Ghesquiere, Eugenie Hebrard and
Denis Fargette

12. Large Bottleneck Size in Cauliflower Mosaic Virus
Populations during Host Plant Colonization
Baptiste Monsion, Remy Froissart, Yannis Michalakis and
Stephane Blanc

13. Quorum Sensing Coordinates Brute Force and Stealth
Modes of Infection in the Plant Pathogen Pectobacterium
Hui Liu, Sarah J. Coulthurst, Leighton Pritchard,
Peter E. Hedley, Michael Ravensdale, Sonia Humphris,
Tom Burr, Gunnhild Takle, May-Bente Brurberg,
Paul R. J. Birch, George P. C. Salmond and Ian K Toth

14. Diversification of Rice l&llow Motde Virus and Related
Viruses Spans the History of Agriculture from the Neolithic to
the Present
Denis Fargette, Agnes Pinel-Galzi, Drissa Sereme, Severine Lacombe,
Eugenie Hebrard, Oumar Traore and Gnissa Konate

15. Dissecting the WRKY Web of Plant Defense Regulators
Thomas Eulgem


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