Plant ecology/

Cervantes, Lydia

Plant ecology/ Lydia Cervantes - 1st - Oakville: Apple Academic Press, 2010. - 312 p.

1. Seed Dispersal and Establishment of Endangered Plants on
Oceanic Islands: The Janzen-Connell Model, and the Use of
Ecological Analogues
Dennis M. Hansen, Christopher N. Kaiser, Christine B. Muller

2. Relative Crystallinity of Plant Biomass: Studies on
Assembly, Adaptation and Acclimation
Darby Harris, Seth DeBolt

3. Crown Plasticity and Competition for Canopy Space: A
New Spatially Implicit Model Parameterized for 250 North
American Tree Species
Drew W. Purves, Jeremy W Lichstein, Stephen W. Pacala

4. Functional Diversity of Plant-Pollinator Interaction Webs
Enhances the Persistence of Plant Communities
Colin Fontaine, Isabelle Dajoz, Jacques Meriguet, Michel Loreau

5. Stochastic Species Turnover and Stable Coexistence in a
Species-Rich, Fire-Prone Plant Community
Wiljried Thuiller, Jasper A. Slingsby, Sean D.J. Privett, Richard
M. Cowling

6. Shrub Invasion Decreases Diversity and Alters Community
Stability in Northern Chihuahuan Desert Plant
Selene Bdez, Scott L. Collins

7. Short Lag Times for Invasive Tropical Plants: Evidence from
Experimental Plantings in Hawai'I
Curtis C. Daehler

8. Climate Change and the Future of California's Endemic
Scott R. Loarie, Benjamin E. Carter, Katharine Hayhoe, Sean
McMahon, Richard Moe, Charles A. Knight, David D. Ackerly

9. Planting the Seeds of a New Paradigm
Marjori A. Matzke, Antonius J. M. Matzke

10. Ants Sow the Seeds of Global Diversification in Flowering
Szabolcs Lengyel, Aaron D. Gave, Andrew M. Latimer, Jonathan
D. Majer, Robert R. Dunn

11. Of Asian Forests and European Fields: Eastern U.S. Plant
Invasions in a Global Floristic Context
Jason D. Fridley

12. Trade-OfEs between the Metabobc Rate and Popidation
Density of Plants
Jian-Ming Deng, Tao Li, Gen-Xuan Wang, Jing Liu, Ze-Long Yu,
Chang-Ming Zhao, Ming-Fei Ji, Qiang Zhang, Jian-quan Liu

13. Climate Change as an Ecosystem Architect: Implications to
Rare Plant Ecology, Conservation, and Restoration
Constance I. Millar

14. Shifting Global Invasive Potential of European Plants with
Climate Change
A. Townsend Peterson, Aimee Stewart, Kamal I. Mohamed, Miguel
B. Araujo

15. An Ecological Analysis of the Herbivory-Elicited JA
Burst and its Metabolism: Plant Memory Processes and
Predictions of the Moving Target Model
William Stork, Celia Diezei Rayko Halitschke, Ivan Gdlis, Ian T.



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