Issues in peace and conflict studies: Selections from CQ researcher/


Issues in peace and conflict studies: Selections from CQ researcher/ SAGE - London: Sage, 2011. - 521 p.

Annotated ContentsPrefaceContributorsPOLITICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES1. World Peacekeeping: Do nation-states have a "Responsibility to Protect?" - Lee Michael Katz 2. Separatist Movements: Should nations have a right to self-determination? - Brian Beary 3. Nuclear Disarmament: Will President Obama's efforts make the U.S. safer? - Jennifer Weeks 4. Future of NATO: Is the transatlantic alliance obsolete? - Roland Flamini CRISES, CONFLICTS, AND PEACE PROSPECTS AROUND THE WORLD5. Anti-Semitism in Europe: Are Israel's policies spurring a new wave of hate crimes? - Sarah Glazer6. Crisis in Darfur: Is there any hope for peace? - Karen Foerstel7. Crisis in Pakistan: Can the fragile democracy survive? - Robert Kiener 8. Middle East Peace Prospects: Is there any hope for long-term peace? - Irwin Arieff9. The Troubled Horn of Africa: Can the war-torn region be stabilized? - Jason McLure 10. U.S.-China Relations: Is a future confrontation looming? - Roland Flamini COPING WITH THE AFTERMATH11. Aiding Refugees: Should the UN help more displaced people? - John Felton 12. Truth Commissions: Can countries heal after atrocities? - Jina Moore 13. Dangerous War Debris: Who should clean up after conflicts end? - Robert Kiener 14. Prosecuting Terrorists: Should suspected terrorists be given military or civil trials? - Kenneth Jost 15. Caring for Veterans: Does the VA adequately serve wounded vets? - Peter Katel SPECIAL TOPICS16. Attacking Piracy: Can the growing global threat be stopped? - Alan Greenblatt 17. Terrorism and the Internet: Should Web sites that promote terrorism be shut down? - Barbara Mantel 18. Climate Change: Will the Copenhagen Accord slow global warming? - Reed Karaim 19. Confronting Rape as a War Crime: Will a new U.N. campaign have any impact? - Jina Moore


World Peacekeeping

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