Islam: the straight path/

Islam: the straight path/ edited by Kenneth W. Morgan - Delhi : MBP, 1998. - xii,453p. : ill. ; 23cm.

1 The Origin of Islam 3
Mohammad Abd Allah Draz, Member of tht Gi-and
Ulama, Professor of Interpretation of the Qur'an, A1
Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
2 Ideas and Movements in Islamic History . . .. 42
Shafik Ghorbal, Institute of Higher Arabic Studies of
the Arab League, Cairo, Egypt
3 Islaauc Beliefs and Code of Laws 87
Mahmud Shaltout, Member of the Grand Ulama, Pro
fessor of Comparative Law, A1 Azhar University, Cairo,
4 The Rational and Mystical Interpretations
OF Islam 144
A. E. Aflifi, Professor of Islamic Philosophy, University
of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt
5 Shi'a 180
Mahmood Shehabi, Professor of Jurisprudence in the
Facult}' of Law and Professor of Eastern Philosophy in
the Faculty of Theology, Universit)' of Tehran, Teliran,
6 Islamic Culture in Araii and African Countries . . 224
Ishak M. Husaini, Professor of Arabic Literature at the
Institute of Higher Arai)ic Studies of the Arab League
and at the American University at Cairo, Egypt
7 Islamic Culture in Turkish Areas 253
Hasan Basri Cantay, Istanbul, Turkey
8 Muslim Culture in Pakistan and India 296
Mazhcniddin Siddiqi, Reader and Head of the Depart
ment of Muslim History, University of Sind, Hydera
bad, Pakistan
9 Islamic Culture in China 344
Dawood C. M. Ting, Consulate of the Republic of
Cliina, Beirut, Lebanon
10 Islam in Indonesia 375
P. A. Hoesein Djajadiningrat, Professor of Islam, Facul
ty of Literature, University of Indonesia, Djakarta,
11 Unity and Diversity in Islam 403
Mohammad Rasjidi, Ambassador to Pakistan of the Re
public of Indonesia, Karachi, Pakistan


Islamic civilization.

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