Biddhist reflections/

Govinda, L.A.

Biddhist reflections/ L.A. Govinda - Delhi : MBP, 2007. - 248p. ; 23cm.

Part One
The World and Its Interpretation
The World and Reality
The Development of Consciousness
and the Goal of the Path
Religion and Truth..
Faith and Tolerance in Buddhism ....
Science and the Doctrine of Rebirth
Potentiality and Reality In Hinduism and Buddhism
Buddhist Meditation
The Importance of Ritual
Part Two
The Inward Path
The Act of Will and the Practice of Meditation
Love and Attachment
Back Doors to Enlightenment? TTioughts on the Expansion of
Consciousness Through Drugs.
Masters of the Mystical Path ..
The Mystery of Life and Rebirth
According to The Tibetan Book of the Dead...
Part Three
Art as Creative Meditation
The Ancient Culture of Tibet
The Seven Treasures of a World Ruler
Vajrayana for Beginners.
Part Four
The Meeting of East and West
Teilhard de Chardin's Worldview
in the Light of Eastern Thought.
Breakthrough to Transcendence.


181.043 / GOV/B
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