The daily evening & morning offering/

Bodewitz, H.W.

The daily evening & morning offering/ H.W. Bodewitz - Delhi : M.B.P., 2003. - 211p. ; 23cm.

I. Myths on the origin of the rite
1.1 The creation of Agni; the origin of the exclamation
svdhd; Prajapati rubs his forehead and produces an
oblation to Agni
1.2 The agnihotra is a reduced primeval sacrifice of thousand
years performed by Prajapati
1.3 The agnihotra instituted by the gods by way of exchange
between heaven and earth
1.4 Transference of the agnihotra by the gods to the human
beings .
.2 The primeval agnihotra and creation
3 T^he connection of Surya (and Vayu) with the Agni
hotra. The origin of the milk oblation
3.1 The milk oblation is the seed of the sun (or the sun
3.2 The agnihotra is offered to Surya.
3.3 Participation of Aditya (sun) and Vayu (wind) in Agni's
oblation (agnihotra)
4 The right time for the performance of the agnihotra
5 The ingredient of the oblation (milk)
6 Systematic treatment of the ritual
6.1 The milking of the agnihotra cow
6.2 Transference of the fire from the garhapatya to the
ahavaniya and other preparatory actions
6.3 The milk is put on the fire and cooked.
6.4 Water is poured on the hot milk
6-5 The pot is removed from the fire and the milk is ladled
6.6 The settings-down I
6.7 The priest moves from the garhapatya to the ahavaniya .
6.8 The settings-down II
6.9 The function of the sam'iiA (kindling-stick)
6.10 The offering I; The first libation
6.11 The offering II; The state of the fire and the method of
6.12 The (offering III: The second libation. The stumblingblock
in the agnihotra ritual.
6.13 The settings-down III. Looking back at the garhapatya
and other actions between the two libations .
6.14 The views of the Praiyamedhas on the offering
6.15 The agnihotra is connected with other gods and powers
through actions after the offering {vaiivadeva)
6.16 Actions after the offering which do not belong to the
6.17 Should there be sacrificed in fires other than the ahava
7 The sacrificer [yajamdna) and the performer of the
, agnihotra
7.1 The ksatriya and the agnihotra
7.2 Only the brahmin may consume the remains of the obla
7.3 Should the brahmin perform the rite himself or should
someone else?.
7.4 Should a sacrificer without a wife perform the agnihotra?
7.5 The agnihotra has only one officiant
8 The keeping silent during the rite
9 Why the agnihotra has no fast (upavdsa)
10 The agnihotra in relation and equalization with other
11 Substitution of the oblation, the fire or other ritu^
12 Symbolical agnihotras
13 Interpretations of the agnihotra
13.1 The sun is offered into the fire, the fire into the sun
13.2 Procreation and the agnihotra
13.3 The agnihotra and deliverance from evil and sin
13.4 Liberation from death by the agnihotra
13.5 The agnihotra produces life (or immortality) in yonder
world and in this world .
13.6 Reintegration of the dispersed sun by the performance of
the agnihotra.
13.7 The agnihotra avoids being eaten in return and other
reversals in yonder world (story of Bhrgu)
13.8 The daily food taken twice, a day forms the remains of
the agnihotra sacrifice
13.9 Offering the two daily agnihotras means giving men to
the gods as daksinds and conversely
13.10 The agnihotra provides food
13.11 The agnihotra is a vajra
14 Agnihotra, agnyddhdna and cremation
15 The agnihotra performed after the agnyadhana (during
twelve days)
16 The vaiivadeva of the agnihotra milk
17 The tarpai^a in the agnihotra
18 The brahmodyas and the agnihotra

Agnihotra (Hindu Rite)
Vedas. -- Rigveda -- Criticism and interpretation.

294.5921 / BOD/T
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