The vedic experience/

Panikkar, R.

The vedic experience/ R. Panikkar - Delhi : M.B.P., 2006. - 937p. 25cm.

A. The Vedic Epiphany
1. An Anthology
2. OftheVedas
3. For Modem Man
4. And Contemporary Celebration
B. A Note on Vedic Tradition
1. The Vedic Literature
2. Sanskrit Pronunciation
3. The Recitation of the Vedas
A. Prelude Adi
1. The Hymn of the Origins Nasadiya Sukta
2. Creative Fervor Tapas
3. The Cosmic Pillar
4. The Birth of God
5. The Primordial Man
6. The Sacrifice of God
7. In the Beginning
8. The Transcending
9. Revelation
10. The Divine Word
11. Sharing in the Word
12. The Knowledge of the
Sacred Word
13. The Origin of the Word
14. The Interior Word
15. The Primordial Waters
16. The Divine Waters
17. The Waters of Life
18. The Mighty Earth
19. Hymn to the Earth
20. The Blowing of
the Spirit
21. The Gifts of the Spirit
22. The Refulgent One
23. The Friend of Man
24. The Master of
the Universe
25. The Heroes of
Sundry Exploits
26. The King of
Heaven and Earth
27. Measurer of the
Three Worlds
28. The Supreme Lordship
29. The Savior
30. Now Light Has Come
31. Daughter of Heaven
32. Lady of Light
33. Desire for a Son
34. The First Birth
35. Ceremony After Birth
36. Acting Faith
37. Thinking Faith
38. Loving Faith
1. His Golden Arms the
Godhead Has Extended
2. Inspirer of Heaven
and Earth
3. The Dispenser of
Blessings from on High
4. The One Invoked by
Both Sides in the Battle
5. The Breath of Life
6. The Treasure of Life
7. Above Time is Set
a Brimful Vessel
8. Upon Time Ail the
Worlds Repose
9. The Discovery of the
10. A Sacred Meal for
Gods and Men
11. Food of Eternal Life
B. Awakening and Coming of Age
12. Loftier Than the Cods
13. The First Seed of Mind
14. The Ritual
15. May All the Divine
Powers Join Our Two
Hearts in One
16. I Am He, You Are She
17. The Rite
18. Husband and Wife
19. Lord of the Field
20. A Harvest Blessing
21. As a Spring Gushes Forth
in a Thousand Streams
22. For a Bountiful Harvest
23. For Prosperity at Home
24. You Have Poured Down
the Rain
25. Sprite of the Forest
26. Priestly Task
27. The I>iverse Callings
of Men
28. The Sacrifice of
Secular Man
29. May I Attain the Span
of a Hundred Winters
30. The Cows Have Come
31. The Blessing of a House
32. This House is Built
by Worship
33. A Merchant's Prayer
34. Increase of Wealth
35. Thejoy of Fearlessness
36. Light, Fearlessness
and Blessing
37. Prayer for Happiness
38. May Peace Bring Peace
A. Radiance and Cosmic Refulgence
1. The Joy of Every
Single Eye
2. The Supreme Light
3. The Dispeller of
4. The Mediator
5. The Universal Lord
6. The Inner Light
7. The Splendor of God
8. The Whole Man
9. Give Sight to Our Eyes
10. Prayer for Well-being
11. Giver of Life
12. Man's Glory
13. Human Splendor
14. Creation of Sacrifice
15. The Origin of Sacrifice
16. The Fire Sacrifice
17. The Drop of Life
18. The Pressing Stones
19. The Sacred Tree
20. The Sacrificial Horse
21. The Struggle for
22. Life-Giving Immolatior
23. Sacrifice Is Man
24. The Desire of Heaven
25. Fidelity and Faith
26. The Anthropocosmic
27. The Anthropocentric
28. The Sacrifice of
the Mind
29. The Integral Action
30. At Home in Both Seas,
East and West
31. Without Urge and
without Identity
32. The True Yogin
A. Sorrow and Suffering
1. Spare Us, O Burning
2. Away, and Come
No More!
3. Sickness . . . Keep Off!
4. Deliver Us From All
5. Decrease and Old Age
6. Beyond Sorrow
and Suffering
You Should Not Be
8. Break the Chains
That Bind Us
9. The Origin of Evil
10. Heaven and Earth
Deliver Us From Evil
11. May the Lord Burn
Away Our Sin!
12. Lament of a Rueful
13. Cleanse Me From
My Sins
14. Forgive Us Our Debts
15. Free Us From
Our Creditors
16. He Counts the Blinks
of Every Eye
17. Let the Thread of My
Song Not Be Snapped
While I Sing
18. I Question Myself
on My Sin
19. Forgive, Lord,
Have Mercy!
20. The Cleansing Bath
21. Purifying Knowledge
22. The Fire of Wisdom
A. The Great Departure
1. The Twin of Gods
and Men
2. Drinking Soma With
the Gods
3. Within Death There
Is Immortality
4. Two Ways Are Given
to Mortals
5. The Last Journey
6. The Breaking of the
7. The Forerunner
8. Let Him Come
Back Again
9 Deliverance and
10. Prayer for the
Fulfilment of Life
n. Go Forth Into the
Light of the Living
12. The Last Surrender
13. The Rites
14. Escorted by the Gods
15. Effacing the Traces
of Death
16. Putting on a New Life
17. The Deluge
18. In Whom All Things
19. The Nightfall of
the World
20. The Bottomless Abyss
21. Men Dismembering
Each Other
22. The Triple Gate of Hell
23. Where Light Unfailing
Ever Shines
24. The Conununity of
25. The World of Goodness
26. Paradise
27. The Everlasting World
28. The Gates of Heaven
A. The Ascending Way
1. The One
2. The One Only
3. The Absolute
4. Consciousness
5. The Self
6. The Absolute Self
7. The Person
8. I
9. I am Brahman without
a Second
10. You
11. Liberation
12. The Sacred Syllable
1. Gracious Disposition
2. To the Divine Craftsman
You Who Shine Forth,
Bring Blessings to Men
4. Lead Us to Pastures
Green, O God
5. O Cleansing Drink,
Make Us Perfect
6. All is Enveloped
by the Lord
7. The Divine Architect
8. Dawn Spurns None,
Whether Lowly or
9. Most Loving God, Guard
Us From Evil
10. Lord, We Desire
Your Friendship
11. He Moves and He
Moves Not
12. The Divine Creator
13. Dawn, Emblem of
the Immortal
14. The Divine Inspirer
15. Inspire Us to Skill of
Mind and Hand
16. In Him Dwells All
17. Know, O People,
a Mighty Mystery
18. Light up Our Path
Lead Us to Worship
19. The Priest of All Joy
20. Pure and Ever
More Pure
21. Passing Over Death
22. Grant to Us Life, Power
and Riches
23. O Dawn, Convey to
Us Joy
24. The Inspirerof All Men,
Heart's Delight
25. Bom for Glory, Come
Forth for Glory!
26. Immortalitv
27. In Whom Dwells All
That Lives and Breathes
28. Dawn Has Arisen,
Our Welfare is Assured
29. May He Who Knows
Lead the Way!
30. Drive Far All Sorrow!
31. Unveil Your Face That
I May See the Truth!
32. Divine Grace
33. You are of All Men
the Brother
34. We Praise You
in Our Homes
35. Night Immortal, Bless
Our Rest
36. The Search Within
37. Liberal Lord, Grant
Us Your Treasure
38. The One Who Brings
Comfort to All Men
39. Keep Watch, O Night,
We Pray
40. The Self Within
41. Rise, Lord, Direct Your
Bow at Our Foes
42. Our Closest Kinsman
and Friend
43. O Kindly One, Guard
Us as We Sleep
44. The Cave of the Heart
45. From You Springs
46. In Praise of a Generous
47. You Have Come,
Blessed Night
48. Only By the Spirit
49. May the Lord Find
Pleasure in Our Praises
50. Your Minds Be of
One Accord!
51. Sinless, O Night,
Lead Us to Dawn
52. He Who Was and
Ever Shall Be
53. Be Present, O Lord
54. Like Spokes Round
a Hub
55. We Call on the Gods,
Again and Again
56. The Pure Water of


The Vedas.

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