Śaiva Siddhānta/

Śaiva Siddhānta/ An Indian school of mystical thought : presented as a system and documented from the original Tamil sources / Hilko Wiardo Schomerus & Humphrey Palmer - Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2000. - 410 p.

1. The Home of Saiva Siddhanta
2. The Saivagamas, their Main Authority
(a) Origin and Date of the Agamas
(b) Grouping and Range of the Agamas
(c) Significance of the Agamas
(d) The Authority of the Agamas
3. The Sources for Our Account
4. A Survey of the History of Saiva Siddhanta
ONE: There are Several Substances
1. Critique of Samkara's Idealistic Monism
2. Critique of Emanation-Monism
3^ Which Things are Eternal?
TWO: The Fhst Substance
1. Proofs that God exists
2. That God is One
3. God's Nature as Sat-Cit-Ananda i
4. God's Attributes • ^
4a.(i) God, being Sat, is Gf^t '' *
(ii) God is Almighty
(iii) God cannot change
(iv) God the Mala-free
(v) God is Nirgunan
4b.{i) As Cit, God knows everything
(ii) God is everywhere
(iii) God is not Partisan
(iv) God's Love
5. Is God a Person?
6. Siva's Sakti
7. The Form of Siva
8. God is Advaita-related to the World
9. Siva as Knower and Known
THREE: The Third Substance, Matter
1. Anavamala
2. Karmamala
3. Mayamala
(a) Maya, the World's Material Cause
(b) The Products of Maya
(c) Bodies composed from the Tattvas
(d) How the World arises from Maya?
(e) Maya fetters Souls
(0 How Maya and its Products exist?
(g) An Assessment of Maya Theory
FOUR: The Nature of the Soul
1. The Soul exists and is Distinct
2. How many Souls there are, and what sorts?
3. Basic Nature of the Soul
4. How the Soul relates to the other Substances?
FIVE: Matter in Charge
1. Under Anavamala's Sole Control
2. Features of Sakala Avastha
3. The Course of Transmigration
4. How the Soul exists during Sakala Avastha?
5. How the Soul can act?
6. What the Soul does in Sakala Avastha?
7. Stages on the Way to Salvation
SIX: Saving the Soul from Matter
1. From Sakala to Suddha Avastha
2. What Suddha Avastha is like?
3. Release made Complete by the Sadguru
(a) Siva appears as Sadguru
(b) Why Siva has to appear as Sadguru?
(c) Instruction by the Guru
(d)The Guru's Way of Teaching
4. Purifying the Soul's Knowledge
(a) Getting rid of Wrong Means to Knowledge
(b) Getting rid of False Objects of Knowledge
(c) How Knowledge brings Light to the Soul?
5. The Purification of Action
(a) Getting rid of Karmamala
(i) Getting rid of Agamya Karma
(ii) Escaping the Consequences of Karma
(b) Enabling the Soul to act Alright
6. Purifying the Soul's Desires
7. Freeing the Soul from Three-fold Mala
8. The Evil of Habit
9. Removing the Evil of Habit
SEVEN: Perfection
1. Release perfected by Union with Siva
(a) How the Soul unites with Siva, in Mukti?
(b) The Benefit of Union with Siva
2. Jivanmukti: Release during Earthly Life
3. Saiva Siddhanta and the Last Things


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