An early upanisadic reader: With,glossary and an appendix of related vedic texts/

Hans, Henrich Hock

An early upanisadic reader: With,glossary and an appendix of related vedic texts/ Henrich Hock Hans - New Delhi: Motilal banarsidass Publishers, 2007. - 203 p.

The mystical significance of the sacrificial horse (BAU (M) 1:1)
A creation myth associated with the agnicayana and asvamedha
(from BAU (M) 1:2)
'Lead me from untruth (or non-being) to truth (or being)
(from BAU (M) 1:3)
Another creation myth: The underlying oneness (BAU (M) 1:4)
A brahmin turns to a ksatriya as teacher, and the parable of
the sleeping man (from BAU (M) 2:1)
Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi (BAU (M) 2:4)
Yajnavalkya's disputations at the assembly of King Janaka, 1:
The cows and the hotr Asvala (BAU (M) 3:1)
Yajnavalkya's disputations at the assembly of King Janaka, 2:
Release from "re-death" (BAU (M) 3:3)
Yajnavalkya's disputations at the assembly of King Janaka, 3:
Vacaknavi Gargi challenges Yajnavalkya (BAU (M) 3:8)
Yajnavalkya's disputations at the assembly of fCing Janaka, 4:
and Vidagdha Sakalya's head flies apart (from BAU (M) 3:9)
The beginning of Svetaketu's instruction in the transcendental
unity of everything (from ChU 6:1-2)
The parables of the fig tree and of the salt, and
(ChU 6:12 and 13)
The significance of ^ (ChU 1:1 with parallels from the Jaiminiya-,
Jaiminiya-Upanisad-, and Aitareya-Brahmanas, and from the Taittiriya-
1. Chandogya-Upanisad 1:1
2. Jaiminiya-Brahmana 3:321-322
3. Jaiminiya-Upanisad-Brahmana 1:1:1:1-5 and 3:4:5:6-7
4. Aitareya-Brahmana 5:31:1-2
5. Taittiriya-Aranyaka 7:8:1 (Taittiriya-Upanisad 1:8:1) . ^
Mystical passages (BAU (M) 5:1 and 5:2)
The significance of the Gayatri, and mystical knowledge saves
even the sinner (from BAU (M) 5:15)
The dogs' s' crifice: a satirical view of ritual (ChU 1:12)
Reincarnation and karman, 1: Two closely related passages
from BAU (M) 6:1 and ChU
A: The Brhad-Aranyaka-Upanisad version
B: Selections from the Chandogya-Upanisad version
Reincarnation and karman, 2: Selections from
Identification with a personal God and

APPENDIX: Related texts, mainly from earlier Vedic literature, with
A. Wedding mantras
1. Atharva-Veda
2. Asvalayana Grhya-Sutra
3. Jaiminiya-Upanisad-Brahmana
B. Ritual ^coupling'
1. An ordinary ritualist example
2. An interesting variant: The pairing of numbers
C. More on ^ and other 'ritual particles'
1. Some early uses of om
a. From Maitrayani-Samhita
b. From Aitareya-Brahmana
c. The "nyunkha", from Asvalayana-l^rauta-Sutra
2. Some other ritual particles
3. Mystical speculations on some ritual particles
4. Mystical speculations on some ritual particles,
D. The GSyatri or Savitri
E. 'Lead me from untruth to truth
1. Reg-Veda
2. REg-Veda
3. A ritualist passage (Maitrayani-Samhita
4. Another ritualist passage (Satapatha-Brahmana
F. Rg-Vedic brahmodyas
G. The Puru^a-Sukta
H. Being and non-being
1. The nasadiya-sukta


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