Buddhist Logic/


Buddhist Logic/ Th. Stcherbatsky - Delhi: M.B. Pub., 1993. - 558p.

A short treatise of Logic (Nyaya-bindu) by Dbarmaklrti wil its commentary (Nyaya-bindu-tika) by Dbarmottara
translated from the Sanscrit text edited in the Bibliotbeka Buddbica
I. Perception
II. Inference
III. Syllogism

I. Vacaspatimisra on the Buddhist Theory of Perception .
II. Vacaspatimisra on the Buddhist Theory of a radical distinction between sensation and conception (pramana-vyavastha, versus pramana-samplava). .
III. The theory of mental sensation (manasa-pratyak§a).
IV. Vasubandhu, Vinltadcva, Vacaspatimisra, Udayana, Dignaga and Jinendrabuddhi on the act and the content of knowledge, on the coordination (sarupya) of percepts with their objects and on our knowledge of the external world
V. Vacaspatimisra on Buddhist Nominalism (apohavada)
VI. Corrections to the texts of the Nyayabindu, Nyaya-bindu-tika and Nyaya-bindu-tlka-Tippani printed in the Bibliotbeka Buddbica Indices ,
I. Proper names
II. Schools
III. Sanscrit works
IV. Sanscrit words and expressions
Errata .


Buddhist logic.
Buddha and Buddhism.

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