Reform Identity and Narratives of Belonging: The Heraka Movement in Northeast India.

Longkumar, Arkotong

Reform Identity and Narratives of Belonging: The Heraka Movement in Northeast India. - New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2010. - 258p. - (Continuum Advances in Religious Studies.) .

Chapter 1
The Zeme Nagas
Nagas and the British
What is in a Name?
Reform and Identity
Religion and Religious
Wider Literature on the Movement
Aim of the Book
Off to Fieldwork
Walking and Writing
Chapter Outline

Chapter 2
Circling the Altar Stone: Bhuban Cave and the
Symbolism of Religious Traditions
The Pilgrims: Do Categories Matter?
The Edge of the World
Temples and Myth: The Evolution of Bhuban
The Cave Ritual: Life, Death, Life
Enumerating Ritual Space: Poupei Chapriak and
Heraka Dynamics
Analysis: Reform and Discourse
Cave Experiences: Coalescing Religious Traditions
Pilgrimage: Authenticity over Communitas

Chapter 3
Millenarianism and Refashioning the Social Fabric
Beginnings: Jadonang and Gaidinliu
Millenarian Songs: The World has Changed
Inventor of Religion
Understanding the Problem
The Burdens of Social Rank and Communal Wealth
The Organization of a Village: Habitats
and Conditions
Cycle Migration and Kuki Immigration
View from Afar
Heraka: Religions Modernizing?
Centrality of Power: Concentrated Wealth
Rubbing off History?
Oral Narratives: Making of a New History
Revival of a Village: Name is Everything
The Past is Made Present by the Future
Illness and Renewal
The Village and Its Heart
Constructing Villages
The World has Changed
Enumerating History
Assessing the Field: Reworking Village

Chapter 4
Changing Cosmology and the Process of Reform
The Past
Beginnings of the Reform: A Cosmolog
in the Making
The Great Transformation
Mirroring a Cosmic Reality
Rationalization of Cosmology?
Creation Stories
First Creation Narrative
Second Creation Narrative
The Heraka Creation Story
Birth of the Gods
The Match
Divine Hierarchy: An Analysis
Note on Concepts
Abolishing Gods and Sacrifices
Generational Change
Hingde Book
The Healer: Herakandingpeu
Heraka Hingde
The Sacralization of Space
Analysis: Purity and Danger
Revolving Centre: The Right and Left of the Kelumki
Relation of the Two Houses
Heliengi The Harvest Festival
Embodying Practice

Chapter 5
Negotiating Boundaries
The Village
Boundaries and Imagined Realities
Historical Niceties: Conquest of Reason and Faith
Zeme Christians
Reasons for Converting
Food of die Gods: Boundary' Makers
The Zao Story
Realm of the Naked
Hindutva and Heraka: Marriage of Convenience?
Vanvasi: Dweller in the Threshold
Naked and Hindu: Reflections of a VHP Worker
Religious Boundaries: 'Loss of Culture is
Loss of Identity '
Conversion Stories
Naga Nationalism
Nagas and India
Rani Gaidinliu: Naga/Indian
To be or not to be, that is die Answer?
Ethnicity and Religious Belief
Categories of the Mind: Beer and Baptism

Chapter 6
Community Imaginings and the Ideal of Heguangram
Heguang and Heguangram: Some Conceptual Tools
Sacred Geography
Fugitives and Gods: The Hangrum War 1932
Mirroring the Divine: The Anthropologist and Gods
Articulation of a Vision: Heguangram and Its Grides
Historical Context and Seeds of Discontent:
Heraka and Christian
Narrative and Story
The Text
An Exposition of the Text
Blood and Weakness: Gender Issues
Gender as Embodiment
Divine Liturgy: Ranima as Durga
Hangrum Camp
The King is the Sun
The Event: Meeting the king
The King’s Court: Symbology of Power

Chapter 7
Glossary Bibliography


Heraka movement.

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