Rural banking in India/

Chakrabarti, Manas

Rural banking in India/ Manas Chakrabarti - New Delhi: New century, 2011. - 184p. 23cm.

1. History and Significance of Rnral Banking in 1-13
1.1 Rural Sector in the Indian Economy
1.2 Post-Independence History of Banking in India
1.3 Rural Financial Institutions
1.4 Regional Rural Banks (RB3s)
1.5 Review of Literature on Rural Banking
2. Development of Regional Rnral Banks 14-31
(RRBs) in India
2.1 The Genesis
2.2 Banking Commission (Chairman: R.G.'
Saraiya), 1972
2.3 New Economic Programme
2.4 Working Group (Chairman: M. Narasimham),
2.5 Establishing a RRB: The Basic Requirements
2.5.1 Objective
2.5.2 Jurisdiction
2.5.3 Sponsorship
2.5.4 Capital Structure
2.5.5 Management Structure
2.5.6 Training Facilities for RRB Staff
2.5.7 Banking Business
2.6 Special Concessions and Privileges allowed to
2.7 Steering Committee for Framing up Policies of
the RRBs at National Level
2.8 Development of Regional Rural Banks in India
2.9 State-wise Distribution of the RRBs
2.10 Sponsoring Bank-wise Distribution of the
3. Conceptual Issues Related to Regional Rural 32-43
Banks (RRBs)
3.1 Role of RRBs
3.2 Objectives of Setting up RRBs
3.3 Prominent Postulates of the RRBs
3.4 Business of RRBs
3.5 Capital Structure of the RRBs
3.6 Management and Staff Pattern of the RRBs
3.7 Board of Directors
3.7.1 The Chairman
3.7.2 General Manager ' ^
3.7.3 Area Manager
3.7.4 Other Employees
3.8 RRBs versus Commercial Banks
3.9 RRBs versus Cooperative Banks
4. Institutional Financing for Rural Credit in 44-59
4.1 Post-Independence Rural Development
4.2 Rural Credit Requirements
4.2.1 Production/Investment Credit
4.2.2 Consumption Credit
4.2.3 Short-term Credit ^
4.2.4 Medium-term Credit
4.2.5 Long-term Credit
4.3 Sources of Rural Finance
4.4 Need for Institutional Finance for Rural Credit
4.5 History of Institutional Arrangements for Rural
5. Performance of RRBs: A Region-wise 60-83
5.1 Structural Growth
5.1.1 Number of Branches and Districts
5.1.2 Deposits and Gross Loans
5.1.3 Credit/Deposit Ratio
5.2 Mobilization of Deposits
5.2.1 Progress of Deposit Accretion under
Different Scheme
5.2.2 Region-wise Progress of Deposit
5.3 Loans and Advances
5.3.1 Credit Deployment by RRBs •
5.3.2 Sector-wise Deployment of Credit by the
5.3.3 Priority Sector Advances by the RRBs
5.3.4 Non-priority Sector Advances by the
5.3.5 Region-wise Advances
5.4 Profitability Performance
5.5 Non-performing Assets (NPAs)
5.5.1 Concept of NPAs
5.5.2 Identification of NPAs
5.5.3 Categorisation of NPAs
5.5.4 Trends in Gross NPAs of RRBs
5.5.5 Loan Assets Analysis
5.5.6 Impact of Non-performing Assets
5.5.7 Management of Non-performing Assets
5.5.8 Recovery Performance
6. Summary and Recommendations 84-98
6.1 Rural Credit System
6.2 Broad-based Banking Facilities
6.3 Support from Sponsor Banks
6.4 Support from State Governments
6.5 Computerization and Technological
6.6 Legal Remedies for Recovery of Loans
6.7 Manpower Planning in RRBs
6.8 Incentives for Better Performance
6.9 Organisational Development Initiative
6.10 Merger of RRBs


Banks and banking -- India
Rural credit -- India
Agricultural credit -- India

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