Political communication/

Political communication/ edited by Philip Seib - Los Angeles: Sage, 2008. - 500p.

Volume One

David L Altheide
Media Logic and Political Communication
Timothy E Cook
The News Media as Political Institution
Looking Backward and Looking Forward
Claes H De Vreese
The Effects of Frames in Political Television News on Issue Interpretation and Frame Salience
Harold D Lasswell
The Theory of Political Propaganda
Steven Livingston and W Lance Bennett
Gatekeeping, Indexing and Live-Event News
Is Technology Altering the Construction of News?
Robert W McChesney
The Political Economy of Communication and the Future of the Field
Pippa Norris
Turned-out Voters? Media Impact on Campaigns
Manuel Pares I Maicas
The Ethics of Political Communication
Barry Richards
The Emotional Deficit in Political Communication
Lindsay Rogers
Notes on the Language of Politics
Michael Schudson
The News Media as Political Institutions
Percy H Tannenbaum
The Indexing Process in Communication
David Weaver
What Voters Learn from Media
Malcolm M Willey
Communication Agencies and the Volume of Propaganda

W Lance Bennett
Toward a Theory of Press-State Relations in the United States
W Lance Bennett, Regina G Lawrence and Steven Livingston
None Dare Call It Torture
Indexing and the Limits of Press Independence in the Abu Ghraib Scandal
George C Edwards III and B Dan Wood
Who Influences Whom? The President, Congress and the Media
Robert Entman
Cascading Activation
Contesting the White House's Frame after 9/11
Daniel C Hallin
The Media, the War in Vietnam and Political Support
A Critique of the Thesis of an Oppositional Media
Corwin R Kruse
The Movement and the Media
Framing the Debate over Animal Experimentation
Steven Kull, Clay Ramsay and Evan Lewis
Misperceptions, the Media and the Iraq War
Steven Livingston and Todd Eachus
Humanitarian Crises and US Foreign Policy
Somalia and the CNN Effect Reconsidered
Philip Lowe and David Morrison
Bad News or Good News
Environmental Politics and the Mass Media
Thomas E Patterson
Bad News, Bad Governance
Lucien W Pye
Communication Patterns and the Problems of Representative Government in Non-Western Societies
Nayda Terkildsen, Frauke I Schnell and Cristina Ling
Interest Groups, the Media and Policy Debate Formation
An Analysis of Message Structure, Rhetoric and Source Cues
Dennis F Thompson
Privacy, Politics and the Press
Danielle C Vinson and John S Ertter
Entertainment or Education
How Do Media Cover the Courts?
Itzhak Yanovitzky
Effects of News Coverage on Policy Attention and Actions
A Closer Look at the Media-Policy Connection


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