The Oxford international encyclopedia of peace/

The Oxford international encyclopedia of peace/ edited by Nigel J. Young - New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. - 677p. 23.9cm.


Early Christianity and Antimilitarism
Early or 'Tribal" War, Anthropological Perspectives of
Early Warning of Hostilities
Eastern Plurope, Peace Movements in
Eastern European Revolutions of 1989
East Timor, Peace Settlement and UN Intervention of
East-West Conflicts
Ecology and Environment
n Economic Conversion
Economics of Peace
Economy and Globalization
Education and Peace Futures
Einstein, Albert
El Salvador, Peace Settlement of
Emergence of Manifest Conflict
Eminent Person Mediation
Empathy and Peacemaking
Empower Dalit Women of Nepal
Enemy Images
Environmental Consequences of War
Environmental Peace and Holistic Theories
Epistemic Communities
Erasmus, Desiderius
Escalation, Prevention of
Escalation to Violence and to War
Ethics of Nuclear War
Ethics of War and Peace
Middle Ages
Modern Period
Ethnic Conflict
Ethnic Conflict, Reintegration of
Ethnopolitical Conflict, Psychology of
European Community as Peaceful Model
European Integration and Peaceful Detente
European Nuclear Disarmament
European Peace Order after 1989
European Union and Conflict Prevention
Evolving Views of Peace
Negative Definitions
Positive Definitions
Experiential Peacebuilding

Failed States and Conflict
Feminism, Cultural Violence of
Feminism and Peace
Feminist Eco-Pacifism
Feminist Peace Theory
Films for Peace
Food and the Role of F'ood Aid
F"ox, George
PTance, Peace Movements in
Free Tibet Campaign
Free Trade and Liberal Internatioi ; ilism
French-German Relations after 19 ; >
PTomm, Pu'ich
Futures Methods and Peace Metl ' (Is
Futures of War and Peace
Futures Studies and Peace Studies

Game Theory
Moral Philosophy •
Political Strategy
Process with the British Empire
Legacy in India
Gandhian Influence on Peace Movement
Gandhian Theory of Nonviolence
Gay Rights Movements
Gender, Socialization, and Militarism
Gender and Conflict
Gender and Militarism in Child Upbringing
Gender and Peace Cultures
Gender and Violence
Gender as a Category for Analysis of Conflict
Gender Roles and Conflict Mediation
Genocide and War
Geo-economic Rivalries Between States
Germany, Peace Movements of
Glasnost and Perestroika
Global Citizenship and Peace
Global Ethic
Globalization, Fissure, and Conflict
Globalization and Peace Issues
Global Justice Movement
Global Resources as a Source of Conflict
Goldman, Emma
Good Friday Agreement
Good Soldier Svejk, The
Goss, Jean
Graduated and Reciprocated Initiatives in Tension Reduction
Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp
Green Parties
Grotius, Hugo

Haas, Ernst B.
Hague Appeal for Peace
Hague Peace Conferences, First and Second
Hammarskjbld, Dag
Hardie, Keir
Healing, Justice and Reconciliation of
Helsinki Accords
Hindu Ethics of Peace
Hinduism and Peace Philosophy
Hiroshima Panels
History of Peace, Contemporary
History of Peace Movements, Periodization of
Holocaust and Collective Violence
Housmans Peace Diary
Human Aggression and Aggressiveness
Humanitarian Crises, Pacifist Responses to
Humanitarian Law, International
Human Nature Debate
Human Rights
An Overview
Legal Concepts
Peace Maintenance
Political Concept
Human Rights Watch
Human Security

Iconography of Peace
Icons of War and Peace
Identification Documents
Identities: Shared, Multiple, and Peace
Identity and Conflict
Images of Peace and War
Imperfect Peace
Imperialism and War
Indian National Movement
India, Peace Constitution of
India, Peace Movements in
Indigenous Culture and State-Sponsored Violence
Indigenous Peoples' Movements
Information, Communications Technologies, and Peace
Information Technology and Peace Activism
Insurgent War and Peace Ethics
Intentional Communities
Intercultural Communication and Conflict
Intergroup Contact
Interlocking Conflicts
International Alert
International Atomic Energy Agency
International Committee of the Red Cross
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
International Exclusion
International Fellowship of Reconciliation
Internationalist Theory and Liberal Democracy
International Peace Bureau
International Peace Research Association
International Peace Research Institute
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
International Relations
International Socialist Theory on Peace and War
Interpersonal Conflict and Peace Psychology
Interstate War, Origins and Prognoses of
Intervention, Humanitarian
Intervention, Nonviolent
Intifada, Palestinian
Intractable Conflicts
Intrastate Conflict, Prevention of
Iran-Iraq War, UN Mediation of
Islamic Ethics and Peace
Isolationism versus Interventionism in the United States
Israeli Nuclear Campaign
Israel-Palestine Peace
Action and Pacifism
Grassroots Efforts
Official Efforts
Unofficial Efforts

James, William
Janis's Groupthink
Japan, Peace Constitution of
Japan, Peace Movements in
Japanese Peace Museums
Jehovah's Witnesses
Jewish Ethics and Peace
Justice versus Peace
Just War
Law and Codification

Kant, Immanuel
Kellogg, Frank Billings
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Kelly, Petra
Killing, Psychological Effects of
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Philosophy of Nonviolence
Role in Civil Rights Movement
Kollwitz, Kathe
Kosovo, NATO, and Intervention

Labor Movement and Antimilitarism in the Twentieth Century
Labour Party and Peace
De-mining Practice
Movements to Ban Landmines
I^anguage and Conflict
Latin America, Peace Movements in
latin America, Social Justice Movements of
Law, International
History and Definitions
Practical Application
law of the Sea
laws of War
leadership Theories
laague of Nations
laague of Nations Union
labanon Hostage Crisis, UN Role in
legitimate Violence, Right of
lantz, Theodore
Libraries on Peace
Limits to Force
Literary Works
An Overview
. Low-Intensity Warfare
Lutheran WoiJd Relief
Lutuli, Albert
Luxemburg, Rosa
Ly si St rat a

MacBidde, Sean
Macedonia, Transition in
Macimhistory and Theories of Peace
Madres de la Plaza de Mayo
Malaysia and Conflict Avoidance
Male Violence, Unlearning of
Many Peaces
Mari'iage, Peacemaking in
Marxism, Conflict, and Peace
Mass Violence and Trends


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