Popular culture/

Popular culture/ edited by Michael Pickering - Los Angeles: Sage, 2010. - 423p. 15.6cm.


Volume IV: Popular Culture - Aesthetics, Ethics, Values

Popular Aesthetics and Cultural Populism
58. Ways of Artmaking: The High and the Popular in Art 3
David Novitz
59. The New Vahdatdon of Popular Culture: Sense and Sentimentahty
in Academia 21
Michael Schudson
60. Pearls and Swine: The Intellectuals and the Mass Media 41
Simon Frith and Jon Savage
61. 'Ifs a Thin Line between Love and Hate': Why Cultural
Studies Is So 'Naff 53
Gary Hall
62. Aesthetics, Policy and the Politics of Popular Culture 79
John Street

Popular Taste and Cultural Value
63. Literature, Television, and Cultural Values 97
Rosalind Coward
64. 'I'm Ashamed to Admit It but I Have Watched Dallas':
The Moral Hierarchy of Television Prograrrunes 107
Pertti Alasuutari
65. What Is Bad Music? 127
Simon Frith
66. The Value of Value: Simon Frith and the Aesthetics of the
Popular - With a Reply by Simon Frith 145
Michael Pickering and Keith Negus
67. Old and New Ghosts: Public Service Television and
the Popular - A History 167
Jerome Bourdon

Social Ethics and Cultural Politics
68. Is Nothing Sacred? The Ethics of Television 189
Michael Ignatieff
69. Common Sense versus Political Discourse: Debating Racism
and Multicultural Society in Dutch Talk Shows 207
Andra Leurdijk
70. Dear Shit-Shovellers: Humour, Censure and the Discourse
of Complaint 227
Sharon Lockyer and Michael Pickering
71. You Must Be Joking: The Sociological Critique of Humour
and Comic Media 247
Sharon Lockyer and Michael Pickering
72. Headscarves and Pomo-Chic: Disciplining Girls' Bodies in
the European Multicultural Society 259
Linda Duits and Liesbet van Zoonen
(With Commentary by Rosalind Gill and a Rejoinder by Linda Duits
and Liesbet van Zoonen)
72. Commentary and Criticism: Starring Race
Transnational Cultural PoUtics and the Shilpa-Jade Episode Usha
Zacharias and Jane Arthurs; Of Race, Classy Victims and National
Mythologies: Distracting Reality on Celebrity Big Brother
Radha S. Hegde; Pigs, Dogs, Cows, and Commerce in Celebrity Big
Brother 2007 Lieve Gies; Big Brother's Frankenstein: The Media
Construction of Jade Goody as an "Abject-Other" Nandana Bose
and Decoding the Celebrity Big Brother Scandal: The British Indian
Way Priya Virmani 293

Popular Culture and Democratic Contours
74. The Cultural Public Sphere 315
Jim McGuigan
75. Who's Afraid of Infotainment? 33I
Kees Brants
76. A Day at the Zoo: Political Communication, Pigs and Popular Culture 349
Liesbet van Zoonen
77. "Prime Time Politics": Popular Culture and Politicians in the UK 367
John Street
78. Hidden Debates: Rethinking the Relationship between Popular
Culture and the Public Sphere 335
Joke Hermes
79. The Jerry Springer Show as an Emotional Public Sphere 403
Peter Lunt and Paul Stenner '


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